The Most Dangerous Game Suspense Analysis

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Suspense is the quality of a story that makes you want to keep reading until you find out what happens, Richard Connell’s short story ‘The Most Dangerous game’ has exactly that. There is tension in the least expected parts of the story with the two main characters Rainsford and Zaroff the hunters. Suspense is found in the short story ‘The most Dangerous Game’ at parts when Rainsford and Whitney talk about Ship-Trap islands reputation, when Zaroff spots Rainsford behind the curtain, and lastly when Rainsford speaks to Zaroff about how his actions are murder.

Rainsford finds about a negative place called Ship-Trap island during the time that he speaks with Whitney. When Rainsford asks why Whitney was eager to pass Ship-Trap island, she replies,“The place has a reputation-a bad one” This shows that Whitney has …show more content…

At the moment that Zaroff notifies Rainsford that he is not joking since he’s speaking of hunting Rainsford replies “Hunting? General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder.” This shows that Rainsford does not agree with Zaroff’s way of thinking. This is suspenseful because it shows how insane Zaroff is with hunting, to go to the limit to kill people. This includes how general Zaroff is unabashed when he kills someone.

A fact known about the suspenseful short story "The Most Dangerous Game” is that it was also known as "The Hounds of Zaroff", by Richard Connell, published on January 19, 1924.This short story’s genre is known as an ‘Adventure Fiction’ that counters a hunter named Rainsford from New York who falls off his ship and swims to an island in, where he is hunted by a professional Cossack hunter named Zaroff. Today “The most dangerous game” is known for its close calls and thrilling moments within the story. Overall, this suspenseful short story has a point that shows the true relationship of the hunter and the

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