The Minister's Black Veil Analysis

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“The only difference between him and his congregation was that he was looked at as an idol and leader, and in their minds he was not supposed to sin.’ (Article 3, Sedaris West) This quote supports my argument that Mr. Hopper wore the viel for his personal sins. Throughout the story everyone had judged him, thinking he was a bad person because of him wearing the veil. No one was aware that even ministers have sin themselves and nobody considered that Mr. Hooper was wearing it for his personal issues. In, The Minister’s Black Veil, Mr. Hopper wears the veil for his personal sins. I chose Article 3 to help support my claim because it makes a lot of valid points and it helps boost my claim up. In Article 3, the author says, “Reverend Mr. Hooper wore the black veil to symbolized secret sin; this veil represented how everyone has something in their heart that no one knows about” I agree with this quote because this is why I think Mr. Hooper wore the veil. Everyone in the town just assumed it was for something bad or that it had something to do with the young girl that had recently died. In this quote, Searis West is saying that Mr. Hooper wore the veil because he had his personal sins. …show more content…

He was trying to prove a point that everyone is very judgmental and cruel. Nobody in the town asked why Mr. Hooper had the veil on, they all had just assumed. And that was Hawthorne’s message that everyone was judgmental and cruel. This quote supports my claim because of the fact that it was one of the consequences Mr. Hooper had to face in wearing the veil. Because of Mr. Hooper wearing the veil, he had the entire town talking and speaking and about him. It did worry people because of him wearing it but you can tell in the story that wasn’t his intentions. Everyone just started with rumors and went along with

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