The Mind Body Connection in Learning

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Generally, in learning processes the connection of mind to body frameworks are easy to overlook, but some connections are vital to humans living healthy lives. These connections must be understood because the mind-body connection allows us to function especially in regards to learning. These two systems are not independent of each other when it comes to learning, they work together to help us pay attention, solve complex problems, and remember everything that’s taught to us. The mind-body connection are linked into how we learn.


Neuroscientists, educators, nutritionists, psychiatrists, geneticists, and yogis are examining the mind-body connection to figure out how we learn (Weiss, 2001). Learning is the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. The process of learning cannot take place without the body performing at an optimal level supporting the minds effort to learn. The learning environment can be very stressful and an adults life can be distracting, understanding the mind-body connection in learning can assist in accomplishing all learning related goals. Activities that require the body to move, a person’s diet, emotional health, and spiritual health all influence learning. Ratey (2001) says, “It has become obvious that we can actually change our brains. By altering the external environment of our surroundings or the internal environment of our bodies, we take better advantage of our strengths and amend our weaknesses”.

Learning can take place only after the information learned is processed. Processing activities might include talking, writing, playing games, creating something (Jensen, 2005). The movement of the body ma...

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... of mental exercises is needed to aid in learning. Doing puzzles, meditating, and praying promotes relaxation which proves mentally and physically beneficial.


The mind-body connection will forever be linked to how we learn. The exploration of both systems provides all the information needed to support this. To keep your brain active the body has to remain healthy and active. Movement through exercise, a proper diet, and mental exercises aids in the learning process.

Works Cited

Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind: 2nd Edition, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Kotz, D. (2010). Exercise your body and brain. U.S. News & World Report, 147(7), 36.

Ratey, J. (2001). A user’s guide to the brain. New York, NY: Pantheon.

Weiss, R. (2001). The mind-body connection in learning. T+D, 55(9), 60.

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