Essay On The Connection Of The Mind And Body In Learning

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The Connection of the Mind and Body in Learning
Learning is a person acquiring new knowledge or skills through studying or being taught. How does this happen? Where does this learning take place? Most people assume all learning takes place in the brain, those people aren’t wrong, but they are not entirely right either. Learning is a complicated topic that requires the entire body to be looked at in order to get the slightest understanding of how it works.
The information center, or as more commonly referred to as the brain is where information acquired by day to day living is stored. If the brain is part of a person and not a computer chip, then how does it store information? The brain is made of billions of cells. These cells are called neurons and each neuron contains hundreds of thousands of receptors. Information transferred between neurons is done electrically through chemical neurotransmitters. The point where communication occurs is called the synapse. Neurons that fire together wire together. That’s the basis of how we learn. This also helps explain muscle memory and how doing something over and over makes it seem almost second nature. Humans make new, functional brain cells daily from birth to death. In fact, it's our ability to generate new brain cells that accounts for the brain's plasticity--its ability to continue to learn and update its database. (Weiss, n.d.)
The heart produces the strongest electrical signal in the body - - 60 percent stronger that the electrical output of the brain. (Weiss, n.d.) Like the brain the heart transfers information using electrical signals, in fact the whole body does through the central nervous system. The heart produces these electrical signals to be used throughout the body. It ...

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...the learner needs a goal for the information, what they want to do with it. If the learner prioritizes the information as important then they will think about it more. A lot of times information is learned and just forgotten because the learner had no use or desire to keep the information, but if the learner needs the information and thinks about it every day then there is a higher probability that the learner will have actually memorized it.
The body is an amazing thing. Connections reach from the brain to the toes and something learned on the toe can be used in the mind. The heart is the power plant for the body and learning couldn’t take place without it, learning couldn’t take place if any of these parts weren’t there. For all the amazing things the body, heart and brain do to help humans learn it is always up to the person if and how they are going to learn.

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