The Long-Term Impact Of Homelessness On The Homeless

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When driving down the road, looking out the window, we notice the beautiful sites but also something not so nice, the homeless. Mostly in the city, we see trash and the homeless on the side of the road. Homelessness is a serious problem because people live on the side of the road with nothing. Homeless people also make a place look trashy or not as safe. Homelessness is due to poor relationships, mental health, and physical health. If the homeless population keeps growing, the side of the road is going to be full of people asking for money and food. If people were to help the homeless and follow these solutions: stable housing, reducing cash aid, and working as a priority, there would not be homeless on the streets. No one can deny that homelessness …show more content…

When we see multiple homeless people, we tend to stay in our homes more because we are scared to interact with them. Homelessness affects so many people in different ways, but homeless people are also affected by themselves. The short-term impact on the homeless is no shelter, food, or health. One long-term impact on the homeless is the number of people on the side of the road. Some of the more long-term impacts on the homeless are mental and physical health, education, work, and overall well-being. Something that we do not think about is what homeless people do in the worst conditions. Homeless people go through a lot of challenges and inequalities that come with people who do not have a home. We need homelessness to be able to be free and thrive. To do that, we must have solutions, support, and resources to help them. We must create a society with safe and affordable housing, education, opportunities, and healthcare for everyone to …show more content…

For homeless people to get into the workforce, we need business managers to understand the importance of them and their well-being. Speaking of helping the homeless, some skeptics say that homeless folks are not really homeless and just want money or food. But it is important to remember that everyone’s situation is unique, and many people experiencing homelessness genuinely need support and assistance. Skeptics claim that homeless people are homeless impersonators, which harms people who truly struggle to live outside. Skeptics would rather see multiple homeless people everywhere than risk giving to people who do not need money or food. These critics have a valid argument, especially since there are mostly homeless people in the bigger cities. Homeless impersonators can steal people's money or their belongings. Personal items, such as credit cards, are hard to get back, and difficult to stop the card

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