The Pros And Cons Of Homelessness

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Homelessness is a major public health problem throughout the United States due to increasing income disparities.1 About 650,000 people are homeless on any given day.2 Homelessness not only affects individuals, but families which include adults, children who may also experience mental illness, disabilities, or substance abuse.3 Homelessness is correlated with mental illness, substance abuse as well as loss of employment, poor health and, limited access to resources. While the state budget immediately considers fund housing initiatives to solve chronic homelessness it may not be the most efficient policy that this population needs. Housing does not provide necessary health services, may offer unequal aid to individuals and families, and may not be a priority for those individuals who are homeless. The state government should not fund housing policies for the homeless. Having housing does not always mean that homeless individuals …show more content…

While it is true that housing is correlated with positive outcomes in the homeless population, it does not account for supportive services that this population may also need. Housing is one plan of action for preventing homelessness, but it does not solve the problem. Persisting health problems may prevent an individual from ever reaching housing stability for them a permanent house would not be beneficial if the problem is their health. Housing without supportive services cannot end homelessness.3,4 Providing housing for the homeless is a measure taken after people have experienced the trauma of losing their home. Intervention efforts should be concentrated on preventing the loss of homes, and safety that can ultimately influence a person 's health

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