The Long-Term Effects Of Child Sexual Abuse

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The long-term effects of sexual abuse can vary from person to person. However, there is no doubt that it causes long-term psychological damage to survivors of all ages. This paper will be addressing the long-term effects childhood sexual abuse. These long term effects include mental health concerns, over sexualized behaviour and sexual identity/development issues. These are only some of the effects that sexual abuse can have on its victim. Sexual abuse/assault is defined as any non-consensual sexual contact. Child sexual abuse is defined as any sexual act with a child by an adult or an older child (Pandora’s Project, 2009). Acts that can be defined as child sexual abuse can include, but are not limited to sexual touching, showing children …show more content…

It lessens in school-aged years and resurfaces in adolescence in actions such as promiscuity and prosititution (Bietchman, 1991.) Promiscuity is often defined as having many sexual relationships. The Association for Advancement of Behavioural Therapy found that 38% of sexual abuse survivors experienced promiscuity (Stotlz et al, 2007.) In relation to higher rates of promiscuity, adolescents that have experienced sexual abuse are also more likely to engage in prosititution. Children that have experienced sexual abuse have a higher chance of developing low self-esteem,and negative self-perception making them at higher risk of victimization (Simons and Whitbeck, 2016.) As a child, sexual abuse can have a very negative impact on that child’s development. It can leave a child unable to develop their own healthy sexual desires or orientation, feeling ashamed and have a distorted view of love and sexual relationships. Children learn to put sex with feelings like fear, helplessness and shame. These feelings could resurface in adolescence/adulthood when the child begins to engage in consensual sexual …show more content…

Adolescents and adults that have experienced sexual abuse however, may experience the symptoms differently. They might see sex as dirty, painful or shameful due to the feelings brought on by the abuse. Survivors usually have a difficult time establishing long-term romantic relationships as they may have disconnected themselves from their emotions, sex often becomes harder to do the more serious the relationship gets as the survivor may not be able to connect sex with love. Survivors of sexual abuse may feel confused about their sexual orientation, especially after being in a serious relationship. This may be because they do not feel as though they love their partner since they do not want to be touched or enjoy having sex anymore. They may try to engage in a relationship with someone of the same sex , only to often have the same instances happen again, leaving them feeling even more

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