Long-Term Effects of Child Sexual Abuse

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Introduction This paper outlines the consequences of child sexual abuse (CSA) based on the examination of results from multiple researches previously fulfilled concerning the psychological and physical impact of this crime, information of statistics, warning signs detected, victims’ performances, and emotional state. Sexual abuse causes severe trauma on child victims that will last for the course of their lives, therefore it is critical to identify and improve the therapeutic methods utilized to treat CSA survivors. Method With the purpose of reaching an overall conclusion on the subject, a meta-analysis was conducted. The systematic evaluation of the collected work was performed with the intention of scrutinize the results of previous research. The investigation utilized diverse sources of data such as professional journals, files of statistics, and psychological bulletins. Also, analyses of experiments and interviews with victims were conducted (Irish, Kobayashi, Delahanty & Douglas, 2009). Through the assessment of data, examiners reached a general conclusion regarding the permanent somatic and emotional effects of CSA. According to Irish et al. (2009), it was proved that victims of sexual assault undergo extreme depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and terror outbreaks. Likewise, the investigation indicated that these persons exhibited a conversion of their psychological trauma into somatic signs since they developed drastic health issues such as body aching, obesity, gastric complications, and heart and lung illnesses; as a result, victims of child sexual abuse usually get sick more often during middle and old age than other individuals. Finkelhor, Hammer & Sedlak, (2008), specified important characteristics that ... ... middle of paper ... ...d Sexual Abuse. The search for healing. Taylor & Francis e-Library. Retrieved from http://www.scribd.com/doc/31878461/9-Bagley-amp-King-Child-Sexual-Abuse-1990 Finkelhor D. Hammer H. & Sedlak A. J. NISMART Bulletin: Runaway/Thrownaway Children. Sexually Assaulted Children: National Estimates and Characteristics. Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/214383.pdf Irish, Kobayashi, Delahanty & Douglas. (2009). Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Long-term Physical Health Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Meta-Analytic Review. Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2910944/ Paolucci E., Genuis, M. L., & Violato, C. (2001). A meta-analysis of the published research on the effects of child sexual abuse. The Journal of Psychology, 135(1), 17-36. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/213817819?accountid=158847

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