The Long Lost Twins

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Georgia couldn’t wait to go back-to-school shopping and find a whole new wardrobe to start her fresh life in college. She was shopping on one of the ritziest streets in all of Washington D.C. and was having a lovely time finding just the perfect outfit for her first day of freshman year. Her arms could barely hold all of the shopping bags that she had gathered throughout the day. However, she knew there was one last shop up the road that she must go to before she retired for the day. Trés Chic was the store; it had the trendiest and priciest fashions on the whole street. Even though she was exhausted and was certain they were closing shortly, Georgia made her way there.
As soon as Georgia step foot in the magnificent store, her mouth dropped to the floor. The clothes at Trés Chic were the kind of style she only found in European magazines. This store was THE PLACE to be! Gathering up as much as she could hold, Georgia raced back to the dressing rooms at the back of the store. She lined all of her outfits up perfectly and just stared at them. It was too good to be true. She almost didn’t know where to start. All of the staring got Georgia thinking, and suddenly she became nervous because she knew that she was about to spend more money than she had thought. She knew the Secret Service agents were keeping track of her spending, and she knew they would be upset with her once they realized her spending spree she had gone on. They were constantly on her nerves.
Georgia shrugged her shoulders and started the grand process of trying on each and every outfit. One after another she realized they were all perfect, and she wouldn’t be able to choose between them. How was she going to make it happen? The Secret Service would be an...

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...nother how it went living a day in each other’s lives. Laughs were shared and stories were told, and both girls talked about how they were more appreciative now than they had been 24 hours ago.
“Although it might have sounded like heaven before; living everyday like you do,” Kylie started, “I realize now that I am happy with the life I’m living. I might forget it sometimes, but being me isn’t all that bad.”
Georgia nodded her head in agreement. “I feel the same way.”
Although the girls were having a blast talking and eating, they were both exhausted and decided it was time that they headed back to their normal homes.
Once outside, both girls hugged and promised that they would stay in touch. Then they headed their separate ways, with Georgia heading back to the White House in the magnificent black suburban and Kylie traveling back to the trailer by the bus.

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