The Little Mermaid Disney Film Research

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How are gender roles represented in films and how are viewers affected by this?
Disney Films
Top Grossing Films
Japanese Films
In this research report I aim to explore the way in which gender roles have been represented in films through time and to analyse if the representation of each gender role has changed. More specifically I would like this report to acknowledge, in particularly, if women’s representations have changed over the years, and if so why or why isn’t this. I want to explore how these representations can affect the viewers of these films by the stereotypes that they create.

Introduction The media holds an enormous amount of control and influence over society and the way …show more content…

She soon stopped hanging out with her friends and changed her entire personality, losing her voice, in order for Eric to fall in love with her. A thorough research has been carried out by linguists Carmen Fought and Karen Eisenhauer in which they researched how often each gender role spoke in each film. Their objective for doing this was to shine light on the way in which male roles used to dominate speech time, in comparison to recent Disney films that show women giving more vocal characters to play. Snow White (1937), Cinderella (1950) and Sleepy Beauty (1959) all show that women characters get over 50% of dialogue, whereas all of the Disney princess films released in the late 80s and 90s show that females only had around 20% of the overall dialogue time. Considering these films all have a female lead, these statistics show that male characters withhold supremacy even when they aren’t the main character, overpowering the female lead in her own film.Throughout the majority of Disney’s films, there’s an underlying statement that normalises male dominance and in which holds a negative impact over the youth of today, if children’s films continue to portray this outdated message over and over again, then children will grow up with a huge misconception of how they should be, which leaves a worryingly foundation set for the upcoming generation of this time. Many children idolise the characters in Disney films that’s why it’s very important to analyse the representations these characters are portraying for the children of our society to see. When a child has been engraved with these stereotypes since they can remember, it will be difficult for a child to separate these

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