The Levels of Processing Model as an Explanation of Memory

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The Levels of Processing Model as an Explanation of Memory

Craik and Lockhart believe that the memory is one single unit and

cannot be broken down into short-term memory and long-term memory. The

idea is that our ability to remember depends on how deeply we process

and encode information. We process information in three different

depths, from shallow to very deep. The shallowest level of processing

involves the structural pattern of a word or number (what the word or

number looks like). As we recognise a continual pattern of what the

word sounds like, we process it more deeply. It is only when we can

give meaning to the word that we will be at the deepest level of

processing. This kind of processing leaves the most lasting memory


Craik and Lockhart's research supports the level of processing model

as they showed that words that were processed because of their

meanings were remembered far better than words that were processed

because of the way they look. They believe there are two kinds of

rehearsal - Maintenance rehearsal and Elaborative rehearsal.

Maintenance rehearsal involves the simple repetition of something,

which leads to it being processed to an intermediate level.

Elaborative rehearsal involves thinking about something and working on

it, which leads to deep processing and better recall. This means that

the most important way of remembering is to think about the thing we

want to remember.

The research of Craik and Lockhart changed the direction of memory

research. They showed that the encoding and processing of information

was not just a simple and straightforward process. Craik and Tulving's

research confirmed this theory by finding that elaborative rehearsal

was a better way of encoding and processing information than any

other. This theory has lead to hundreds of experiments, much of which

support the theory that semantic research is the best way to process

information into memory. The model also has practical applications

that work such as suggesting ways to improve our memory.

However, there are more criticisms and limitations than support for

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