The Island Of Dr Moreau Analysis

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Curiosity has been a natural element for humans since the beginning of mankind, and has been benefitting the advancement of human development for many centuries. Starting with the ancient Neanderthals questioning how to use their own limbs, leading up to modern-day humans researching technologies to help us regrow lost body parts, it is apparent that curiosity has become a persistent attribute to our nature. It is natural for humans to discover ways to benefit themselves through the manner of experimentation, almost to the point where morality is not questioned if the benefit is extremely valued. Morality of various human actions are questioned every day, such as those done to animals. The problem of animal cruelty and brutality is truly exemplified in the book The Island of Dr. Moreau, by H.G. Wells, where he makes readers question the ethics behind animal experimentation for human benefit. Wells depicts that the practice …show more content…

Sadly, for humans, our actions can never be fully considered morally correct. However, since these practices can never be entirely humane, they can all carried out much more properly or changed drastically. As technology advances, humans can use visual simulations or real-life replicas to practice vivisection, leaving real animals are completely out of harms way. New execution styles for animals can be simulated and experimented with full regard to animal comfort and consciousness, finding the best alternative way to peacefully kill in a slaughterhouse. We humans need to use our surrounding technology to help us further advance ourselves away from the moral and ethic drama related to so many issues present day. As time progresses and humans develop, I believe technological advancements will be present in our everyday lives and eliminate many issues about the morals of our

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