The Islamic Muslim Scholars From Around The World?

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What is your reaction to this open letter directed towards the leader of ISIS from a collection of Sunni Muslim scholars from around the world? What is it attempting to argue generally? Why do you think they’ve written it? What are they hoping to accomplish? Do you find their interpretations of the Quran/Sharia convincing, or do you believe that the ISIS implementation of the Quran/Sharia are more accurate?
I was surprised by reading this letter to learn of all the violent acts that ISIS has participated in. I only knew of some of the things they do that end up on the news, but in reality they do so much more. From the way the media portrays ISIS, I assumed all Muslims were this violent. From reading this article, I was relieved to learn that out of the more than one billion Muslims on the planet only a couple thousand Muslims that are involved in extremist groups. ISIS and other extremist groups do not truthfully represent the Islamic religion. I found it interesting how ISIS have misinterpreted the Quran and the Hadith to justify their actions. That their actions and practices actually contradict what is taught in the Quran and the Hadith.
This letter was written to the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and it lists specific examples of what ISIS has done and speeches from ISIS’ leaders and shown how it directly violates the Quran and the Hadith. It explains why their actions and behaviors go against Islamic beliefs and backs it up with textual evidence from the Quran. This article argues that ISIS completely violates what is taught in the Quran and that ISIS has misinterpreted Islam into a harsh and brutal religion. The letter from the Sunni Muslim scholars is attempting to convince the leader of ISIS to “reconsider all ...

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...I am glad now that I know more about the religion to understand that there are good Muslims out there.
It is the actions of a few Muslims that can spoil the majority 's perception of the Islamic religion. And unfortunately, that is what the current media portrays. After reading the open letter to the ISIS leader, I saw how vastly different the extremist views are from the mainstream Islamic views.
Having grown up Christian and in a Christian school, we always believed that our faith is the true faith and that Islam had many differing views than what I believed. From what little I did know about the Islamic religion, I assumed all Muslims would kill innocent people. I never understood how anyone would want to be a Muslim. Now I know the followers of this religion actually believe in peace and mercy, it is only the extremist groups that give Islam a bad reputation.

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