The Iranian Hostage Crisis During The Iranian Hostage Crisis

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444 Days in Hostage
Tension rises as the relationship between two countries weakens. This can lead to war or many other types of crises. A mob of young Islamic revolutionaries captured 66 Americans and put them in hostage on November 4th, 1979 in the American Embassy in Tehran (PBS). Thirteen of these hostages were woman and therefore released and one was send home for severe medical conditions (Jimmy Carter Library). No one could clearly tell who the Islamic students symbolized or what they wished to succeed. An Islamic government ruled by Ayatollah Khomeini risen up to power and Khomeini never favored the Americans (PBS). Special oil discounts that were given to Americans from the Shah were the cause of the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 (Iran Chamber Society). The hostages had to go through many hardships as well as Jimmy Carter, the President of the U.S at the time who was put to the test with dealing with weak foreign relations. During the Iranian hostage crisis the civil liberties of the Iranians and Americans were violated due to the Shah, poor government leaders, and how the American hostages were treated.
Throughout the Iranian hostage crisis, the Iranian's civil liberties were violated because of the Shah. The special oil discounts given to America from the Shah established conflict between the U.S and Iran and as a result the United States went to a confrontation with Islamic clergy in 1963 (PBS). The Shah put down the uprising, putting Ayatollah Khomeini into exile in Iraq commencing Iran's Islamic revolution (Iran Chamber Society). Then the U.S offered the Shah to come into New York for medical treatment (Jimmy Carter Library). Student supporters of Ayatollah Khomeini used that as an excuse to take American hostages...

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...uade them to remove the special discounts on oil.
In the course of the Iranian hostage crisis, the freedoms of Americans and Iranian’s were diminished. This was the result of the Shah, poor government leaders, and how the American hostages were treated. The Shah had a big impact on Americans and Iranians because of the conflict they started with special oil discounts. Poor government leaders like Jimmy Carter and Ayatollah Khomeini put chaos into America and Iran. The way the American hostages were accounted shows how people can be treated like they have natural rights one day and have them taken away the next. We can conclude that there are many ways to start conflict. And conflict can lead to many unexpected tragic events. A strong attribute that all government officials should strive for is the ability to resolve a problem before it gets bigger and bigger.

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