The Pros And Cons Of Plastic Bottles

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In 1947, plastic containers were first commercially used to hold liquids, but not until the 60’s were they consumed by the general public. At first, plastic was extremely cheap to make; however, in recent years the price to manufacture plastic has skyrocketed. In 2011 alone, over eleven billion dollars were exhausted in the fabrication of plastic water bottles. All this money fuels the creation of about fifty billion bottles worldwide. Sadly, Americans have become reliant on disposable plastic containers; consuming around thirty billion of the fifty billion water bottles produced each year. Many of the bottles end up being toss upon the earth instead of being recycled, which has been detrimental to the planet’s land, ocean, and air.
The majority of people do not recycle plastic bottles; therefore, the bottles continue to accumulate on the ground. Out of every ten water bottles used, only two end up being recycled. At a minimum, it takes four hundred and fifty years for the plastic to biodegrade; some scientist even …show more content…

In one year, seventeen million barrels of gas are consumed in the production of plastic bottles. That is equivalent to fueling one million cars for an entire year. All of this fuel is just for the production of plastic! Including transportation and refrigeration of the water, fifty million barrels of gas are utilized. If you filled your water bottle one fourth of the way with gas, that would equal to the amount used in its creation. With all this gas being consumed, the earth’s air is becoming increasingly polluted. Smog is building up. Over two million people a year die from poor air quality. Especially in concentrated areas of people, the filthy air is becoming denser and less inhabitable, which is partly due to the quantity of gas being used to create plastic water

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