Persuasive Essay On Plastic Water Bottles

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“More than 1 billion plastic water bottles end up in California’s landfills each year, taking 1,000 years to biodegrade and leaking toxic additives such as phthalates into the groundwater.”(Goodbye, Bottled Water) Most people in the U.S. don’t recycle their plastic water bottles. This is a big environmental problem. To reduce the amount of plastic water bottles getting into landfills, Americans need to drink tap water instead. Although, plastic water bottles can be useful in some situations and can have different flavors it should not be allowed at school because reusable water bottles are better for the environment, very convenient, and have minimal waste involved. Opponents contend, plastic water bottles can be very favorable during emergency situations, such as, natural disasters. Based on (IBWA Regarding Massachusetts Attorney General Upholding Town Of Concord’s Ban On The Sale Of Bottled Water) “The water from public water systems is often compromised after emergency situations or natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, fires, or boil alerts). During these times, bottled water is a necessary and reliable “second source” option to deliver clean, safe drinking water.” This highlights that bottled water is reputable during some situations. …show more content…

As claimed by (Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: Which One is Best for You?) “We can turn on a faucet and have drinkable water whenever we want it.” This asserts that reusable water bottles can be filled up with tap water. According to (Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: Which One is Best for You?) “Tap water is also what’s served at most restaurants, dispensed in public drinking fountains, and otherwise readily available in a whole host of public places.” This illustrates that tap water is used in most places and is easy to get whenever needed to fill up a water bottle. As a result reusable water bottles are very convenient when it can be filled up when

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