The Influence Of My Father And The Grandfather

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Being brought up in a home where your grandfather went from having just only a farm to live off of; to now where he doesn’t have to worry about if he has enough money for the bills. And then having a successful step-father who was a well-known women’s clothing designer in Dominican republic who left it all to come to United States, began working for people and now own two popular businesses that are both almost at their all-time high. Living in an environment where everyone breathes in faith and success to exhale all the doubts and discouragement makes you stride to do your best with all the things you do. Since Grammar school I was always received awards for making it on the honor roll, getting the highest grade on the test, I also won the …show more content…

Those were the most two biggest influences in my life because they both were the best example of how determination and taking risk can lead you to victory. My step-father is mostly appreciated because he took the responsibilities of another man and raised his daughter as if she were his own. He made a commitment to my mother and me; it was to never leave like my father did, to never have me question why did my real father leave me because my step-father was going to do a hundred times better job than my father could have ever done with raising me. If anyone ever questioned, he is my dad, he is the one that raised and guided me. My grandfather will always be the man I worship. He is always putting his family first, making sure his whole family is eating before he get seconds. You could never joke around about wanting something around him because he would really go and buy it for you, once my mom wanted a little monkey and he was going to go to Florida to pick up but the vendor said Connecticut doesn’t allow monkeys as household pets. When grandfather picks up a new hobby it’s like that’s the only thing he cares about, he gets so involved, beginning his computer fixing phase we both worked on fixing internal and external

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