The Influence Of Motorcycles On America

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Imagine a world without transportation, have you ever taken the time to think how much more difficult our lives would end up being. Once the first cars were invented, the world changed forever. Most people attempted to make other forms of transportation. A German engineer by the name Gottlieb Daimler invented the first gasoline-powered motorcycle in 1885 (The World Book Encyclopedia). When people were aware of this new form of transportation, companies began to sprout. The first major companies were Harley Davidson, it began in Wisconsin and was created by William S Harley and Arthur Davidson (At the Creation). The invention of the motorcycle had a significant impact on America because traffic could be controlled easier in between lanes, Medical supplies are now able to be transported more quickly, and people used the motorcycle for sport. A huge benefit that the motorcycle gave us was, traffic could be controlled much easier in between lanes ( Using your mirrors in traffic is a great way to make sure you are safe, it can make maneuvering …show more content…

Motorcycles are used for many sports. Sports are always a popular activity if you own a motorcycle. One race is where teams or individuals will race on a track. This shows that motorcycles have many different variants, not just that but many types of sports. This makes riding a motorcycle much more satisfying knowing that there is an endless amount of sports out there. Rally racing is mainly in your community races will be set up and you can attend. But you still have to obey traffic laws during the race. This is one creative way to race in your community, motorcycle races have many opportunities and more races are being created each day ("Motorcycle sport"). In the end, these sports have so many different options but all serve the same purpose they are meant for fun and to

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