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Oman is located in the continent of Asia and the Arabian Gulf. The main language is Arabic. The spread of Islam is the main reason to speak Arabic in Amman, because Arabic is the main language of Islam and the Koran in Arabic. Also, the site help Oman Omani people to speak Arabic, because it is located on the Arabian Peninsula, as well as neighboring countries speak Arabic. Therefore, Arabic became the main language in Amman. There are some minor languages buried to Oman. For example, English, Swahili, Aljebalih, Persian and Balochi language. There are some reasons why these languages are common to the Sultanate of Oman. First, the business relationship between Oman and other countries such as India, America, Britain and East Africa, China and other countries. Second, the wars that took place in Amman by some countries, such as the Portuguese and the Persians and the British. Third, the impact of globalization and also to change the local language in the Sultanate of Oman.
Over the time many things changes in our world, our community and our personal life. Especially our spoken language has which was affected by many factors that lead to many changes in it. Let’s assume that these factors are the main reasons that led to change Arabic language in Oman. In addition, we assume that there are many effects of changing the language? How these factors led to changing the local language?
In this research I used two kinds of sources they are primary source and secondary source. The primary source is an interview with Ms. Maha Al-Shukaili Arabic teacher. In addition I used secondary sources for example articles from different websites.
Over the time Oman has been under the occupat...
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The trade history in Oman. Amer Al-Asmari, 2010. Retrieved 27 May 1, 2014 from http://library.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_umma.php?lang=&BabId=4&ChapterId=4&BookId=280&CatId=201&startno=0 The impact of globalization in changing the Arabic Language. Al-Farsi.T.2009. Retrieved 27 May 1, 2014 from http://lib.iium.edu.my/mom2/cm/content/view/view.jsp?key=Ts8uJHJdR3yCiN9rjDKdz4US4qWcJMtn20060713163949406 Oman History (N.D). Retrieved 28 May 1, 2014 from http://forum.stop55.com/181097.html Oman under Portuguese colonization.Valeri.M .2007. Retrieved 29 May 1, 2014 from http://www.mongabay.com/history/oman/oman-the_age_of_colonialism.html Sultanate of Oman
Ministry of Higher Education
College of Applied Sciences-Nizwa
The factors of changing language in Sultanate of Oman
Done by: Sara Al-Habsi
ID: 2010691277
Section: 40
Ebonics is not the only language of the African diaspora that preserved its Africanity. In addition to several African influenced creoles, the Gullah language of the Sea Islands is reflective of African spirituality and philosophy. The Gullah language developed among enslaved Africans along the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, as well as the Sea Islands (Turner, 1). This region can be referred to as the Coast. In the early 18th century slaves from the West Indies, where resistance had grown common, as well as rebellious slaves from various colonies were being sent to the Coast. Taxes were placed upon these imported slaves because they were thought to have the ability of corrupting the slave system on the coast. Thus, slave
Hilāl, ʻAlī Al-Dīn. Islamic Resurgence in the Arab World. New York, NY: Praeger, 1982. Print.
Pinault, David. "The Thousand and One Nights in Arabic Literature and Society." Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1999):536-537.
Granada: Alhambra (fort, palaces & gardens), Albaicin (old Arab Quarter) and New Mosque of Granada and more.
This essay will discuss the causes of language death and if endangered languages are worth saving. This essay agrees that endangered languages are worth saving and that many factors contribute to language death. Firstly the essay will explain what language death is and the meaning of what is an endangered language. Secondly discuss language death and language birth. Thirdly discuss the causes of language death. Lastly, critically discuss if endangered languages are worth saving. The purpose of this essay is to show that language death is much higher than language birth.
In his brief but complex story "Araby," James Joyce concentrates on character rather than on plot to reveal the ironies within self-deception. On one level "Araby" is a story of initiation, of a boy's quest for the ideal. The quest ends in failure but results in an inner awareness and a first step into manhood. On another level the story consists of a grown man's remembered experience, for a man who looks back to a particular moment of intense meaning and insight tells the story in retrospect. As such, the boy's experience is not restricted to youth's encounter with first love. Rather, it is a portrayal of a continuing problem all through life: the incompatibility of the ideal, of the dream as one wishes it to be, with the bleakness of reality. This double focus-the boy who first experiences, and the man who has not forgotten provides for the rendering of a story of first love told by a narrator who, with his wider, adult vision, can employ the sophisticated use of irony and symbolic imagery necessary to reveal the story's meaning. The story opens with a description of North Richmond Street, a "blind," "cold ... .. silent" (275)street where the houses "gazed at one an-other with brown imperturbable faces.".(275) The former tenant, a priest, died in the back room of the house, and his legacy-several old yellowed books, which the boy enjoys leafing through because they are old, and a bicycle pump rusting in the back yard-become symbols of the intellectual and religious vitality of the past. Every morning before school the boy lies on the floor in the front parlor peeking out through a crack in the blind of the door, watching and waiting for the girl next door to emerge from her house and walk to school. He is shy and still boyish.
The Arab world consists of twenty-two countries encompassing all of North Africa and much of the Middle East. The Arab people number over 360 million and while they share a common language, there is a surprising degree of diversity among them, whether in terms of nationality, culture, religion, economics, or politics. (McCaffrey, 3) Most inhabitants of the Ar...
International Journal of Middle East Studies. 7.1 (1985): 25-36. Web. The Web. The Web. 2 Dec. 2013.
1. INTRODUCTION. Hasawi is a variety of Arabic whose roots refer to the family of Central Semitic Languages such as Hebrew and Aramaic. The Hasawi dialect is spoken in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia, exactly in Al-Ahsa (Al-Hasaa) province. Therefore, the dialect of Al-Ahsa, or Hasawi (HD), is also known as the Eastern Arabian dialect. In fact, it is considered the dominant dialect in the area although there are other local dialects found in the same area, such as Badawi which is spoken by some Bedouins tribes. In 2009, the number of Hasawi speakers was estimated as 200,000 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ('Arabic, Gulf Spoken, Ethnologu', 2009).
Arabs primarily speak Arabic with “variations in the dialects, words, and meanings in different Arab countries” (Lipson & Dubble, 2007, p. 43). Despite the different variations, most Arabs understand each other. All Muslims are required to read the Koran that is written in Arabic. While they all read this, not all speak Arabic fluently, or at all in some cases. There are some ethnic minorities that speak their own language, and are not understood by most of the surrounding populations. In the United States, nearly 600,000 people speak Arabic in their own homes; professionals and business p...
In the story ‘The Veil’ by Marjane Satrapi, the writer expresses how she experienced culture shock due to the veils that were introduced in 1980s due to the Islamic revolution (Satrapi). They were hot to live with and the students said that they made them resemble dark monsters. Acculturation is very important in language acquisition meaning that when speakers of a language fails to acculturate with the set social norms of the second language, they will be lost and will form a language of their own like slang because they try to modif...
The Arabic geographic being best environment for variety of religion, culture and trade throughout the ages. As a result of that many of an ethnic group from outside Middle East decides to move on to that rich area which later many minorities have spread to the Islamic Empire land therefore The Arabic regions were famous with the diversity of minority which creates a lot of conflict with Middle East region especially in Jews and Arab sides.
It is one of the main languages in the world and it is the international language these days. English language is the language that faced many changes that affects in several things. For example, some changes occur in writing system, phonological system and other changes during many centuries. English language is about four stages: Old English, Middle English, Modern English, and Early Modern English. In each era, there is an affection of other tribe’s languages on English language. As an example, Germanic tribes who moved into Britain and have an impact on Old English language are (Angles, Saxons, and Jutes). In the same way, the effects of the tribes lead to have many changes in vowel system, which calls the Great Vowel Shift .In this paper, I will discuss the Great Vowel Shift and the the process of that huge change.
Usually differences of ethnics, cultures and religions lead to sorts of misunderstanding between people from different societies. People are usually judged according to their behavior in public spaces which might be a result of their culture, education, or social class. An article, “The Arab world” (1996), written by Edward T. Hall, an American anthropologist and writer, discusses the cultural misconceptions between Americans and the Arabs. The article points many of social behaviors acted by Arab individuals that seem weird and sometimes astonishing and inconvenient to the Americans and Westerners. In addition, Hall includes examples of plenty of social behaviors that he thinks are the theme of the Arabic culture along with few personal experiences that led him to conclude that it is really difficult for Europeans and Americans to understand Arabs. Despite the presence of some good points, the article is greatly biased and prejudiced against Arabs, and it is clearly noticed that the author has a misconception of the Arabic and Middle Eastern culture.
Striating from the research idea to the culmination of the findings, the research process entails many segments, all of which are imperative. By choosing the research methodology, the researchers can formulate the path to be used in conducting the study and reporting the findings. The methodology helps in the search of literature, development of research questions and the creation of the most suitable study design. It also assists in the interpretation of the results and the publication of the findings in journals.