The Importance of Marriage

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The Importance of Marriage Many people think that a wedding in a church is important so that the

people getting married are under the eyes of God and he will give then

the love and guidance against thing's like marital breakdown and to

give the couple the love and support for each other .

'The love of man and woman is made holy in the sacrament of marriage,

and becomes the mirror of your everlasting love', this quote literally

spell's out what the sacrament of marriage is for . Marriage is the

final sacrament of a catholic person's life, but marriage can only be

conceived in a church if one or both of the people receiving the

sacrament of marriage has had in this order a baptism, first communion

and is a confirmed catholic, then and only then can a marriage take

place in the house of God, marriage is a solemn contract between a man

and a woman who share love together.

There are many references to marriage and divorce in the bible most of

them coincide in the new testament in such chapters such as Matthew,

Mark, John, Corinthians and Ephesians . Most of the passages in new

testament really describe a man and a woman being faithful to each

other like Jesus was faithful to the church, for example in Ephseians

5 21-33, it was written ' wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as

to the lord . For your husband has authority over his wife just as

Christ has authority over the church; and Christ is himself the

saviour of the church, his body' , this states that a man is the base

of a marriage and his wife must be faithful to him as Christ was

faithful to the church as...

... middle of paper ...

... herrings of marital breakdown as

they are only granted in special situations.


In the exceptional case of an annulment the church classifies the

marriage as unofficial and therefore not legal , there are 12 grounds

on which an annulment can be granted these include

* One of the partners not consenting to the marriage in the first


* One spouse not understanding the implications of what they were

doing when they married

* The marriage not being consummated - no sexual act took place


Though this is may be the most painful, but necessary answer to a

marriage that has become unfeasible. This can lead to a civil divorce

without any blame being dealt to either partner. In this way certain

legal rights, the care of the children and any inheritance can be


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