The Importance Of Transition To Work Life

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Murphy, Blustein, Bohlig, & Platt (2010) describe that students’ support systems in their transition from college to career include family support, social climate, and social network from their results of the research. They highlight the important role of family and friends on students’ smooth transition to adult life. Authors (2010) describe how mothers have significant role in helping them develop an adaptive work ethic and/or feel supported in making decisions related to school and work. Some students feel encouraged through unconditional support from family to freely explore the career of their choices. Some students may struggle with homesickness as they start their career far away from their family which can impede their transition. …show more content…

Transition into work life can be difficult, especially if students are starting careers surrounded by workers who are much older (Murphy, Blustein, Bohlig, & Platt, 2010). Workers might view the new young employees as unprepared and unequipped to do the work. It also might be difficult to establish friendships with such a huge age gap. I have experienced difficulties in social climate when I first started serving as a youth pastor at the age of 21. I was surrounded by pastors and staff who were of my parents age. It was difficult to get my ideas crossed because I was seen as an inexperienced “child” according to many of them. Difficulty in social climate can hinder students ' development as it limits social support from their co-workers. Establishing good social networks play a pivotal role in smooth transition. A student from the article shared how she does not go into her work for money, but for the people ((Murphy, Blustein, Bohlig, & Platt, 2010). I personally believe that if students have good group of workers who are supportive then they will be excited to wake up every morning to go to work. Overall, I believe that finding a new community during the transition from college to career is the most important factor for smooth transition to

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