The Importance Of Setting Goals In Life

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Have you ever failed in a goal and never tried to achieve it again? In the article Kevin Kruse has stated, “ Don’t turn temporary failures into total meltdowns or excuses for giving up”. (Kruse,8). Setting goals is important for teens because you need to have motivation for the upcoming year, you need a purpose, it is why you want to try harder. You will wake up everyday knowing you need to get up and fight your goals. For instance, a goal that will help you conquer your goal is number 2, you have to make your goals specific. If not you cannot start a goal, if you do not have a map on your mind on how the game is going to be, in other words give yourself and idea on how you will achieve your goal. In my opinion teens should set goals for …show more content…

In paragraph 4 it states “ Progress is a seldom linear… progress may be painfully slow”. (Kruse, 3). This secret teaches teenagers that their is going to be obstacles that will make you fall low, but regardless you need to be patient with your goals. Teens can use this secret in life by showing teenagers that nothing is going to be easy in achieving any kind of goals and you cannot put your head down because you did not succeed in one battle. Being patient is very similar to getting up when you slip …show more content…

Try harder than expected. Evidence from the article “ 7 secrets of people who keep their New Year’s Resolution” in paragraph 7 when it states “ You make a mistake, acknowledge it and recommit to path toward the goal.” (Kruse, 8). This secret will help you because it will help you because you know that we need to get up everytime we fall because that is how we learn. This secret is important because it can help someone accomplish their resolution by knowing it is totally okay to fail along the road success as long as you get back up and keep on going. The main idea was to never give up on what you want, believe, and desire. All you have to do is fight for

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