The Importance Of Serving Soup Service

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The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:10, "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace." Throughout the time I have attended St. Dominic High School, I have provided a total of 115.5 service hours. The services I participated in have helped my community, school, and parish. Although some of these acts were simple, those ultimately meant the most to me. Through serving others, I have grown in my faith, knowledge, and attitude. My grandmother's parish of St. Ferdinand holds a Thanksgiving Soup Kitchen every year. The first time we served, I was 11 years old. I did not understand the importance of helping those in poverty. For the six consecutive years that my family and I served, it was always the same. I would walk around offering food or drinks from a cart. I would ask those sitting down if they needed anything. Most of the people who visited this soup kitchen were either living alone or unable to provide a thanksgiving meal for their family members. It was an opportunity for those who are less fortunate to sit down and enjoy a hot meal in the company of …show more content…

They occasionally started a conversation and I would speak with them for a while. Then, go on my way with the food or drink cart. It was upsetting to see the number of people who struggle to provide basic necessities for themselves. The chance to make even a small difference in the community is something to hold onto. Offering our time up to those who are suffering, made me realize how fortunate I am. There are so many things that I can experience, which those struggling with poverty may not be able to. I have the chance to educate myself in a Catholic high school and I do not have to worry about going hungry, unlike the people I served. The St. Ferdinand Thanksgiving Soup Kitchen assisted in the development of my core values and my willingness to help

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