The Importance Of Physical Therapy

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Injuries can be a nagging issue that do go away. This can feel like nothing has helped heal the problem and hope is diminishing. Physical therapy can be overlooked, but it is a logical and effective healing method. Physical therapy helps patients regain their strength and mobility and is effective by bringing people to a state that they are comfortable with their injury (Blaser 1). This may not mean to have full function that there was before injury, but where the patient can live and work with the injury. This method is described as “… the use of exercise, heat, cold, water, massage, or electricity in the treatment of damaged muscles, bones, or joints due to injury or disease” (UXL Encyclopedia of Science 1). Different methods of physical …show more content…

Working outside of weekly visits ensures a faster recovery. The benefits from doing physical therapy can be nearly limitless, especially when the patient is active in their treatment. This is important for both the patient and the therapist so that they get the best possible results. Treatment will change as a patient begins to get stronger, so the therapist needs to know where they are at in the process towards being healed. The entire timeline can be sped up by diligently practicing the exercises and participating at the appointments. Another benefit of physical therapy is the small amount of …show more content…

These people have had to adjust to living with these disabilities and work with them. Recently though, there have been studies that describe a system that could allow paralyzed people to control a robotic arm (Blaser 6). These researchers are hoping to advance the technology so that it will also allow amputees to control robot prosthetics (Blaser 6). Physical therapy will be what allows them to control these robot limbs. Physical therapists will train and coach these patients until they master the system. They will be able to regain use and do things without the help of someone else. This is revolutionary for millions of war veterans who are amputees, along with other disabled people. This has offered light to a future that may allow disabled people to control something they thought they had

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