The Importance Of Parents And School Communication

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"Welcome to our classroom!" Any inclusive and responsive teacher would love to say these words to parents. Researchers show that students are more likely to achieve academically and less likely to have behavioral issues, if the parents are involved in their educational process. In my class, I understand the importance of bridging the gap between home and school, especially between teacher and parents. The student, parent, teacher, and school all benefit from a positive parent-school communications. The way in which the teacher communicates and interacts with parents affects the extent and quality of parent involvement, student learning, and even student behavior (Guillaume, 2016). Teacher must create and maintain a three-way relationship …show more content…

First Day Program, phone communication, and internet-based communication are three ways to include parents (family) into the classroom. Parent contact should begin on the first day of school. The First Day programs is fabulous for connecting teacher and parents right from the beginning, when everyone has a clean slate, before the student is in trouble or any unpleasant phone calls have been made. Typically, most parents drop off their child at the bus stop or even drop their child off at the classroom door. Then the classroom doors close and the parents leave. One of the first ways to include parent in the class is on the first day of school, which is known as the First Day Holiday. This program was created by Terry Ehrich in 1999. President Bill Clinton awarded Mr. Ehrich with a Presidential Service Award for his First Day Foundation. As a teacher, I believe that the first contact with parents should be the first day of school …show more content…

The third communication method I utilize is the school 's website and email. At the school where I work, teachers use the school website that allows us to give families information about classroom activities, grades, and post items on the website (Guillaume, 2016). Other additional information is available to parents as listed: monthly calendars, newsletters, school handbook, homework assignments, photo, student progress information, teacher objectives, and many other things. Technology can play a major role in providing opportunities for improving the educational landscape and broaden communication options. One concern related to this website is ensuring password- protected and accessible only to the families of the students. The school staff and teachers have to keep the information on the school website current and accurate. Sending email to the parent about their children 's accomplishments helps to build confident and trusting relationship between the parents and the teacher. These types of positive spontaneous action create two-way conversations when the parents reply back to emails. However, emailing parents can be misinterpreted and impersonal way to convey challenges or problems that the child is facing. So, only send emails to share positive information about a particular child’s activities and accomplishments. Teachers that

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