The Importance Of My Grandma

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As a little girl I never felt like I belonged. I was confused on why I was being raised by my grandma. Why didn’t my mom want me? How come she chooses drugs over her kids, I just didn’t understand? All my life I tried to find where I belong. Seeing all my friends with their parents made me wonder why was I so different and unloved.
My grandma was a grumpy old lady. She treated me different than she did my sister who she was also raising. I knew how to cook, clean, and take care of my grandma by the time I was about five years old. I was not allowed to go to any friends ' houses or have any come over. I barely went to elementary school when living with her. If I didn’t do something I would receive a smack in the mouth or a spanking with a belt. I was always mad at my sister because it was my responsibility to clean her room. She was never home and could be with her friends 24/7. As a little girl I had built up a lot of feelings, I just didn’t understand.
Bouncing from my grandma to my uncle and aunts was never easy. I bounced back and forth a lot. My family would tell me how much I was not wanted. Having my mom not around to make me know I was different. I kept quiet and moped …show more content…

In my own house I became lonely because all my friends went off to college. I needed to make new friends and I was soon mixed in with the wrong crowd again. I started not only drinking, but doing drugs. I was smoking Meth by the age of 18 and from that day forward I felt like I had found what I had been missing. My life soon became whole, until everything started disappearing and dissolving. I became about eighty pounds and had nowhere to live and was pregnant. Again I was feeling at a loss because I wasn’t sure what to do. After having my son addicted to Meth I knew I needed to find myself. No one was there for me and I was at a loss with not being able to take my baby

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