The Importance Of Modern Halloween

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Modern Halloween celebrations also extend past wearing costumes. Fun activities such as pumpkin-carving, bobbing for apples, and Pinteresting adorable Halloween crafts or food are also trendy. Jack-o-lanterns, originally created to avert evil spirits, are now used more for entertainment and decoration. Speaking of decorations, some individuals pride themselves on decorating their lawns with inflatable monsters, graveyards, or other Halloween paraphernalia. Another popular tradition is attending haunted houses and going to corn fields or pumpkin patches, especially “haunted” ones. Despite the fact that modern Halloween is more focused on eating candy, dressing up, and hanging out with friends, these are still underlying currents of superstition. …show more content…

Though Halloween has moved away from the pagan beliefs of the dead crossing over, many people remain superstitious of ghosts and forty-two percent of Americans reported believing in them (Handwerk). The changes in how Halloween is represented reflect the changing expectations and values of culture. The Celts, who lived in a world without modern medicine and survival was based on chance, believed in Samhain and magic to explain the world around them. In an era of science and strong religious influence, superstitions are still present, but are not used to explain the world as they once were. Coupled with Halloween’s commercialization and intentional campaigns to engage the youth, this explains why Halloween has largely moved away from the supernatural and more into the materialistic …show more content…

As of this year, consumers can buy projectors that allow them to play animated clips of whatever holiday characters or scenes they want. Large technological advances have already been made in decorations, sound and light effects, and in horror houses/movies, so I would not be surprised if technology became even more advanced. Furthermore, there has been talk of creating 3D printers or holograms that will allow individuals to project their costumes virtually. This would eliminate the hassle of parents taking their kids to the store or waiting for online costume purchases to be delivered. In addition, I would not be surprised if future Halloween-goers receive candy that is much different. With as concerned as our country is about unnatural food additives and rising levels of obesity, it would not be implausible to consider that future candy might look or taste very different or not be a part of Halloween at all. Going back to costumes, I think another aspect that might change is what costumes are considered socially appropriate for different age groups to wear. Different generations have alternative views on sexuality and parenting styles, which could lead to either stricter ideas, especially for the youth, or more relaxed views on acceptable

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