The Importance Of Marriage After Marriage

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Marriage is the start of an “everlasting” bond between a man and woman. Couples entering into a marriage bond should have a basic understanding of the many alterations that will take place. The major adjustments after marriage are goal setting, traditions, joined decision making, and learning to compromise. A long-lasting marriage is dependent upon how a couple works on the relationship. These changes will and can have negative and positive influences on a relationship. From the time that a couple says their vows, they are bringing together two unrelated families with two distinct traditions to form one. This is the beginning of the changes and challenges that the two must overcome. Most believe that the married couple is the only two that will have a new life. This is far from the real truth. Two people joining together in a marriage will also bring their entire family. The traditions that have been learned from the grandparents, parents, and many others are directly related to the decisions that will be regarded. Getting married will …show more content…

Sometimes this is known before marriage, but ordinarily a lot is still unknown until after the wedding. The goals that have been built will change after the wedding. It will be up to the couple as to whether it helps the marriage for the good or the bad. Once in a while one may have to give up his or her dreams and/or goals after marriage. This could cause them to become furious with another and could possibly sour a relationship quickly. On the other hand, sometimes one can become very satisfied when his or her options are open to new opportunities. Both husband and wife should always keep in mind that if a goal cannot be reached conjointly they can set brand new ones with each other. Spouses that set goals together and do not let anger get in the way of the many new changes will serve to produce a secure

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