The Importance Of Learning Resilience On Child Development

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Resiliency is the ability to successfully overcome adversity (Seccombe, 2016). Learning resilience is a lifelong process. Elements at the macro and micro level produce the harsh conditions or recovery mechanisms (Seccombe, 2016). Macro-level elements include political and social systems. Micro-level elements consist of the family system and an individual’s characteristics. Additionally, it is these environmental factors and individual characteristics that foster either resignation or resilience (Seccombe, 2016). The book Louisa (Emmel, 2007), illustrates how a culture’s social policy was restrictive while the family structure and individual characteristics were the protective/recovery means that provided resilience. Louisa the main character …show more content…

Making available resources for families and children in need creates a chance for them to succeed (Seccombe, 2016) . For example, implementing and enforcing laws to protect children from physical abuse and unfair labor practices acts as a protective factor (Seccombe, 2016). Likewise, social safety nets to prevent hunger and require an education serve to provide a way to achieve a better life (Seccombe, 2016). On the other hand, not caring for family needs hinders child development. Louisa experienced both types of social policy. Louisa was born in African community. She was the daughter of a chief; a position of high status. In Africa she was free, educated, and valued as a human being. The social structure was supportive. Each member of the tribe had a role and they worked together. Consequently, they thrived under the leadership of her father. Her beginnings in Africa helped her survive the trauma of being shipped to a foreign …show more content…

As a slave in colonial America she was not free, she was deemed property with no social status. The macro-level social structure, unlike her homeland, offered no support. Furthermore, the culture in colonial American regulated her status. Given that it was against the law for her to obtain an education, be paid for her labor, have a bank account, or own property she was entrapped by society. However, Louisa was not resigned to accept it. Family supportive factors and individual choices have the power to change the life course (Seccombe, 2016). Family and individual characteristics afford the ability to overcome hardship (Seccombe, 2016). If family provides a safe environment of open communication, acceptance and commitment to one another through good and bad times it is a strong support system (Seccombe, 2016). Equally, an individual with self confidence, intelligence, common sense, creativity and independence has the resources to be resilient (Seccombe,

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