The Importance Of Leadership And Personal Power

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university president for instance has more power than a dean of a business school, but they both have formal power. Personal power, on the other hand, is the capacity to influence others that comes from being viewed as knowledgeable and likable by followers. This is a type of power that derives from the interpersonal relationships that leaders develop with followers (Yukl, 2006). Some argue that when leaders have both position and personal power, it is advisable to use personal power most of the time. Overuse of position power may erode the ability of a leader to influence people (Goffee, & Jones, 2007). Of course, it is important to know when it is most appropriate to use position power and to be able and willing to use it (Daft, 2005; Goffee, …show more content…

In this regard, Ahmad et al (2013) states that job satisfaction could result in improved productivity, innovation anddedication to maintaining quality of service given to clients. Employees are more likely tooperate most effectively when their needs are satisfied (Bekele and Darshan, 2011). Theproductivity of employees is likely to increase, which in turn result in effective achievement ofgoals of an organization (Stone & Pattern, 2005 in Bekele &Darshan, 2011). Moreover,satisfied employees are more likely to absent less, stay at work longer, and show less job stress.Arzi&Farahbod (2014) added by saying that satisfied employees are more likely to feel senseof accountability, be committed and stay long in an organization. Job satisfaction leads to goalachievement. It also helps employees tackle obstacles that may be faced while working in anorganization(Goffee & Jones, 2007). Organizations want their employees to become satisfied in order for theemployees to become productive (Sattar, Nawaz & Khan, 2012). Furthermore, job satisfactionimposes much impact on general life of an individual employee. As being happy is the right ofhuman being, employees must be happy. Thus, “highly satisfied worker has better physical andmentalwellbeing” (Chahal, Chahal, Chowdhary, &Chahal, 2013; Rajasekar&Bhuvaneswari,2014; Garg & Kaushik, 2013; Latif, Ahmad, Qasim, Mushtaq, Ferdoos&Naeem, 2013; Singh& Jain, 2013; Naseem, Ejaz& …show more content…

For example, working conditions, promotions, the nature of the work, benefits, payment etc. determine the satisfaction level of people.In addition to the above factors, Chahal, et al. (2013) identified factors related to workspaces ashaving influence on job satisfaction. Such factors include building design, air quality andtemperature, noise and lighting and others(Goffee & Jones, 2007). Other factors mentioned by the researchers are nature of job, working promotional methods, performance appraisal, relationship with otheremployees and management, grievance handling and so on. Sowmyo and Panhanatham (2011) identified factors such as supervision behavior, coworkerbehavior, pay and promotion, job and working condition and organizational aspect. Otherfactors are interpersonal relationship among the workers, caring for employees and counselingemployees. Factors such as sex, age, education, salary, and experience are found to haveinfluence on job satisfaction of employees(Goffee & Jones, 2007).. In a study conducted by Ghafoor, the conclusionshows that male staffs are more satisfied as compared to females. Moreover, increase in rank,qualification and salary resulted in increased job satisfaction. The finding of the study alsoshows that staffsthat are permanent are more satisfied than those who are not. In addition tothis, staff with PhD’s degrees is more satisfied than the staff with

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