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Explain the importance of inventory management
Explain the importance of inventory management
Explain the importance of inventory management
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Majority of organizations show that inventory is listed and one of their largest assets on their balance sheets. Expenses are typically documented as one of their largets expenses on their income stetments. Within this paper it is shown how much an inherent risk inventory can be if not properly controlled and managed. In looking at the audit world; inventory rank high in being a major audit area of an organization. Inventory can only become less of a risk to an organization by keeping proper inventory records and conducting proper audits. Inventory Control
In today’s society; almost every organization either distributes, sells, or uses some type of material. Inventory control is a necessity to any of these organizations and is correlated
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Inventory management is designed to allow a smooth flow of the materials and prevents any major stock outs. Inventory management ensures that the availability of the materials has the sufficient amount needed and minimize the total investment in inventory.Each item in inventory represents money thaty a company has spent and treated as an expese until the material becomes a purchased product. Since many organizations have money tied up in their inventory; it is pertanient that the inventory is managed in a very efficient and effective manner in an effort to avoid unnecessary investments. In the event that an organization has poor inventory management; excessive stock or not enough stock can greatly affect the organizations profit and reputation. For example, having excessive stock can cause loss revenue due to products not selling quick enough and a shortage of stack can cause an organization to lose business. As the example shows; proper inventory management is a must. In order for an organization to be successful in its management of inventory the balancing of inventoy costs with the benefits that is associated with the inventory so that the organization can turn over their volve and obtain the maximum amount of profit. While visiting some local businesses; the managers expplained what they did to control their inventory. These businesses spoke of direct costs associacted with inurance, storage space, taxes and the money that had to be tied up in inventory and how they had to be properly managed and controlled. Others discussed strategies that have made them successful such as increase thieir inventory turnover, maintaining the minimum amount of inventory that keeps them from not sacrificing their performance or delivery of goods, and purchasing the inventory in larger volumes to obtain overall lower purchasing costs. The constant changes in the financial market along with the type of stock vary with the
As a retailer and a supplier, Sobeys has an extremely large balance in their inventory account. During 2015, the inventories are more than 50% of the total current assets, and 13% of the total assets. We will compare the inventory accounts of 100 randomly chosen locations out of the 258 locations, as well as the 3 Cash & Carry stores. The company’s main portion of the total inventories would be food related, and they have certain shelf lives. If the unsold inventories are sitting in the warehouse for too long, then the inventory will be unable to sell, and this brings risk to future revenues. So the company should monitor the entire food related inventory, and strictly follow the FIFO rule. We need to compare the average inventory on hand ratio to other competitors in the same industry to find out if the inventory control has serious issues. Also, inquire inventory evaluation at the warehouses and possibly observe a test count done by
Once they develop and implement this inventory control system, inventory records are going to be upheld truthfully and that they will get the accurate standing of the inventory up-to-date. In order to maintain the steady continuous supply for production need... ... middle of paper ... ... ory holding costs, ordering costs, and shortage costs, and have a classification system for inventory items. In conclusion, while reading the case study, I saw much disorganization throughout the company’s entire system.
For a company to have an excessive amount of inventory usually cause by poor managing skills. This will also result to not planning to keep track the life cycle of their products, forecasting stock demands, and also replenishing the inventory that’s out of stock. Excessive amount of inventory usually means there is a lost of profit being made someone. Where it is the consumers not purchasing the goods anymore or your company is hurting from not selling the goods and letting the inventory stack up.
Various ratios are used in this analysis. The organization’s WIP and FG inventory turnover ratios from 2009 demonstrate that the firm takes fewer days to sell both inventories (3.64 days and 73.43 days respectively) than the average firm in the industry In 2009, the total asset turnover ratio for Gemini Electronics was 1.37 while the industry average was 1. This is an indication that Gemini Electronics is generating business at a steady pace. Gemini Electronics is utilizing its fixed assets at a higher rate than other firms in the industry. Their utilization shows the Gemini’s ability to use L, P, & E in order to generate sales. Gemini Electronics A/R is 40.16, which is 25% higher than the industry average. This means Gemini Electronics waits about 40 days to receive payment for goods sold. High levels of A/R can negatively affect the firm and their stock
In the retail stores, managers are complaining of frequent stock outs even though the DC is full of merchandise, which is not moving enough through the supplier, DC, and retail stores. The inventory issue also ties in with transportation problems where accurate lead and delivery times are non-existent. The inventory turnover is not at its full potential because if the DC has merchandise yet the stores are stocked out, the inventory is frozen and will become obsolete.
So that our decisions would lead to a better performance on the inventory levels which means a more stable inventory according our policies but our order policy based on the expected demand would not be changed while the impact of our policy on the inventory is better because our orders are met with a better
The just-in-time (JIT) inventory system was developed in Japan after World War II, in an effort to control costs during fiscally challenging economic times (Waguespack and Cantor, 1996). The challenge that faced many Japanese companies in the post-War era was to find a way to meet the needs of customers and businesses while utilizing as few resources and as little capital as possible. The Japanese developed these set of techniques in order to control production, limit unnecessary products and reinvest the valuable capital left from the savings back into the business structure (Waguespack and Cantor, 1996). Much of the success of many Japanese corporations over the past four or five decades has been was linked to the principles of JIT (Chhikara and Weiss, 1995).
• Led long-term inventory productivity planning process and assisted in setting up annual goals. Developed corrective actions that improved inventory productivity areas of forecasting and material requirements planning in ERP which led to reducing forecasting errors rate from 15% to 000.6% saving more than $8 million within the 1st quarter. • Ensured integrated approach for efficient, effective performance by planning current and long-range objectives, new policies and procedures for a variety of distribution, shipping, receiving and functional operational areas, which led to cost saving from 2% to 15% within the 2nd quarter. Performs special assignments such as studies and reports on inventory discrepancies, inventory adjustments, and other factors; analyze independently and resolve difficult issues/problems. • Responsible for oversight of the program scope, resources (human, financial, contract, physical), schedule, quality, performance, requirements, risks, modeling, process improvement, customer support, training and
... inventory turnover was found to be very low. The low inventory turnover ratio was an indicator of inadequacy, since inventory usually has a rate of return of zero (Inventory Turnover Ratio Interpretation, 2009). It also implied either poor sales or excess inventory. A low turnover rate indicated poor liquidity, convincible overstocking, and obsolescence, but it would have also reflected a planned inventory build-up in the case of material shortages or in anticipation of rapidly rising prices. (Inventory Turnover Ratio Interpretation, 2009) And a rapid and unexplained rise in the number of sales per day in receivables in addition to growing inventories to cover the shortage was noted. The interviewee (Public Accountant) could smell something suspicious which led him for more detailed procedures and proactive investigation at the end of which a fraud was detected.
Inventory management is a method through which a business handles tangible resources and materials to ensure availability of resources for use. It is a collection of interdisciplinary processes including a full circle of the demand forecasting, supply chain management, inventory control and reverse logistics. Inventory management is the optimization of inventories of manufactured goods, work in progress, and raw materials. According to Doucette (2001) inventory management can be challenging at times; however, the need for effective inventory management is largely seen more as a necessity than a mere trend when customer satisfaction and service have become a prime reason for a business to stand apart from its competition. For example, Wal-Mart’s inventory management is one of the biggest contributors to the success of the company; effective and efficient inventory management is of critical importance.
The inventory turnover is almost half compared to the industry average, although it managed to increase by 0.3 compared to 2002. The company needs to maintain a constant cost of goods sold and at the same time manage inventory more efficiently to maintain market competitiveness. The average collection period also increased slightly to 58 days, three days increase compared to 2002. The company needs to negotiate or persuade on efficient payment methods to customers to decrease the collection period down to industry average. The total asset turnover increased 0.1 to 1.6 but still failing to meet the industry standard of 2.0. Martin Manufacturing needs to boost sales while maintaining a constant asset value to meet or exceed industry standards.
For the Holland survey, the highest theme that I received was “Enterprising.” According to Careerassessment.com, people with this personality theme “like to lead and persuade people, and to sell things and ideas. They generally avoid activities that require careful observation and scientific, analytical thinking.” Enterprising type people are typically good at leading other people, and also selling things or ideas. They tend to value success in politics and business and are seen as energetic and ambitious.
Inventory management can enhance the efficiency in operation of the supermarket. Supermarket must ensure that the correct levels of inventory are being maintained throughout the store, and that merchandise is purchased at the best price point as possible. Holding too much inventory on hand generate costs like carrying costs. Whereas having too little inventory on hand makes customers dissatisfied and it leads to declining
Inventory management is defined because a science mostly established art of guaranteeing that just enough inventory share is command with a company to fulfill demand (Coleman, 2000; Jay & Barry, 2006). it's mostly regarding specifying the size and keeping of stacked product. Inventory management is usually needed at completely distinct spots within a service or within multiple spots of a supply network to guard the standard and planned course of production up against the random disruption of running low upon materials or product. The scope of inventory administration also concerns the good lines between replenishment period interval, carrying costs of inventory, asset management, investment forecasting, inventory valuation, selection visibility,
Inventory can be explained as any assets that are held for future use or sale. Inventories are held for a variety of reasons, such as customer demand for end items, smoothing production, a hedge against stock outs and price increases, and economical purchasing. It is very costly and wasteful to keep large inventory on hand. The new technology and application quantitative tools and techniques for inventory management have permitted decrease in inventory. Top management needs to understand the role that inventories have on a company’s financial performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction and strike the proper balance in meeting strategic objectives. They are responsible in keeping sufficient inventories to meet demand of the customers by sustaining the lower cost as possible. Inventories are required for a business to operate efficiently and effectively. Inventory management is a very significant part of basic operations activities. Most businesses and general organizations obtain most of their revenue through the sale of inventory.