The Importance Of Handwriting In Schools

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Everyone needs to learn how to write and therefore, handwriting should be taught in schools. Handwriting is used for multiple things and in many different ways. Cursive handwriting is a form of writing that needs to be taught in schools for students to learn. Not only does it make learning how to read easier, but also writing helps you in school or work, and you write everyday and you cannot just learn how on your own. So for these reasons, cursive writing should be taught in school.
Reading is a very important factor in life. you read everyday whether it’s a text, email, books, or articles. Reading is a daily essential for becoming a better writer and being able to have a much broader vocabulary. Through reading your IQ raises, you learn a better diction, and have more of a normal use of words for public speaking. Most people who struggle with public speaking are told to read because it is proven to help create a more natural flow of vocabulary through normal speech. Reading is particularly important in knowing current events and understanding history. To understand history the capability of reading is imperative in discovering new languages and being able to understand historic writings.
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The cultural tradition is not dying out due to technology. Although there is a less prevalent support in cursive writing as there is in print, it should still be taught today in schools to help students more effectively write essays off the most heightened state of mind and at the quickest speed to maximize the efficiency of the time given. Everyone needs to be taught a form of handwriting, whether it be cursive or pint. Learning how to write effectively in either form of handwriting has a positive effect on the brain and helps in your everyday walk of life. Handwriting helps with public speaking and also is said the help make those who practice writing often smarter by raising their

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