The Importance Of Freedom In Existentialism

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Freedom, a seven lettered word that varies in meaning for every individual. Freedom is the basis of human rights, without the freedom to do as one please, one feels confine. This confinement leads to many interesting tales of human curiosity expanding and exploring, such as Leonardo DiCaprio fascination with corpses or the escaping of where freedom is not a necessity such as North Korea. There are many aspects to freedom, it is reflected in actions, decisions and thought. In existentialism, one’s philosophical approach is that one is free and is the deciding factor of everything that they choose in their life. In existentialism since one has ultimate freedom in everything, without any authority deciding for them, this vast array of thought that can come for anyone from anywhere creates hell for others, because one is unable to control others. In existentialism one’s mind and body are ultimately free, they have nothing controlling their actions; that freedom is in the way one communicates, one’s actions, one’s choices, one’s …show more content…

I’d never have believed it. You remember all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the “burning marl”. Old wives’ tales! There’s no need for red-hot pokers. Hell is-other people!” (No Exit, 45). Hell is other people in many situations. There are seven billion and counting people on earth, all with an incomprehensible amount of freedom. This infinite amount of freedom varies from person to person, one may have a different view on freedoms that one should have, depending on many factors, and because of this many things are viewed differently, this causes hell. These varying in freedoms and what one views as right and wrong can be affected by those one gives authority, such as Garcin and Estelle. Those who are similar to Inez, that face their actions, are seen as ones that creating hell, because they refuse to conform. Within existentialism, the reason why hell is other people is because of

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