The Importance Of Family In The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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The Hunger games

The hunger games by Suzanne Collins was published in 2008.It shows the relationship between family and how important family is. Katniss and Primrose the two sisters who live in poverty with their mother in Panem.So how does the book The Hunger Games,show the relationship between siblings and family members and the desire to protect and keep them safe?
The main way Collins depicts family in the novel shows the family as a protective unit a family protected by katniss after the passing of their father. The family is homeless after the death of their father. The only way to get food is by katniss hunting day and night. Despite the everyday risks of hunting, the most prominent act of …show more content…

The desire to protect primrose may also save her life as well.this hopeless family has no money for food. By being in the hunger games at least Katniss receives the nutrition she needs. This was the first time there has been a volunteer in her district. Katniss has been close to death and survival. Throughout the novel, Katniss and Peeta retain their humanity in contrast to other characters by their actions in and out of the arena. During the novel both Katniss and Peeta carry out actions which show their humanity. One of the ways this can be shown is at the beginning of the novel when the reader is introduced to the deteriorated poverty of District 12, where Katniss and Peeta both live. Katniss along with her younger sister Primrose and mother are living in extreme poverty after the death of her father. He was killed in a mining accident. They are left starving and desperate for any small piece of food they can acquire. After a long day of unsuccessful hunting , Katniss rests under a tree while waiting for the rain to clear. Then Peeta appears out of the bakery with two loafs of bread.”The boy took one look back at the bakery checking as if the coast was clear, then he threw two burnt lods of

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