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The importance of the bible in christian life
The importance of the bible in christian life
The importance of the bible in christian life
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“You of little faith, why do you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31) I feel like at some point in our lives, this quote describes every human being. Faith is so simple, yet we always seem to complicate it. We often forget how easily Christ can take away our doubts and turn them into triumph. Matthew is a very powerful gospel, it gives many parables, miracles, and shows Christ’s love for all of mankind. I love how Christ’s character is revealed so much more, not that the other gospels don’t reveal that, but just the idea of another gospel that Christ is present in. It’s remarkable. The genealogy of Jesus Christ is a very important thought to ponder on. Where did everything originate from? The obvious answer would be to think that every good and perfect …show more content…
If Joseph and the Wise Men had no faith, Jesus would have been killed as an infant. How mind boggling is it to think that by one person’s choice, the world is completely different. Granted, we still live in a sinful world, but it would be so different if any of those people had not listened to the angel of The Lord.
John the Baptist seemed like such a neat man, I think it would have been so wonderful to see all who he had baptized, especially Jesus. I feel like a key point from this chapter was where the Heavens opened and God’s voice was heard throughout Jesus’ baptism. John must have felt extremely humbled to have been the lucky soul to baptize Christ, and especially hear the voice of God.
The Beatitudes are part of what seems to be the key to success. The beatitudes describe how we, as humans, should act, if we want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to be lawful and just, but most importantly loving and compassionate. It may seem like a difficult task, and it will always be, but we can overcome absolutely anything through Jesus. After all, he overcame the devil when we was at one of His lowest points. If we rely fully on God, and not ourselves, we can overcome each and every temptation we
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The Lord’s Prayer is given to us as an example of how to pray, we should pray simply, yet fully mean all we say. It is unnecessary to have repetition in prayer, for God knows what we need even before we ask. We need not to pray with the mindset of having what we think we need, but rather we ask for God’s will to be done.
Jesus explains the meaning behind the aspect of “parables”. He speaks with authority, He is determined to say what is the truth with such couth that we may be able to understand. Unfortunately, every single human being is sinful, and will not understand in the same way Jesus does, so He spoke in parables. Explaining what we are to know in this way, we are able to comprehend His teachings, therefore being able to further the work of Christ.
Jesus tells the importance of forgiving other people. He gives appropriate reasoning when dealing with confrontation, and gives hope for praying with a group of people. If we aren’t forgiving, why would we ever think we would have a chance of being forgiven? Realizing that we all make mistakes and fall short of the glory of God makes us no better than anyone else. If we grasp that now, there should be no problem in showing mercy to one
Humans can think, feel, and reason which differentiate them from the rest of God’s creation. The ability to reason enables human beings to think and reflect on their own nature and the nature of God. The bible teaches us that God created man in his image and likeness. In the beginning of creation human nature was perfect because we were created by God. Genesis 1:31 describes Human beings were created very good by a loving God”. God created humans to operate their lives according to wisdom under God’s kingly reign (Diffey, 2014). God’s purpose in creating mankind was to work and serve (Genesis 2:15), and have dominion over earth (Genesis 1:26-28) The fall of Adam and Eve separated humanity from God and wisdom. This act plunged all of humanity into a history characterized by idolatry (Diffey, 2014), and is the root cause of all human
Through the parable, Jesus wanted to notify the Greco-Roman world what he thought of the Pharisees, lawyers, tax collectors, and rich men. Jesus was straight forward and purposeful with his symbols in the parable. Jesus wanted the Greco-Roman world to know the Pharisees were self-righteous, thus unholy, and the tax collectors and elites were sinners, thus unholy as well. Jesus wanted this parable to reach all the families in Israel and Rome. Jesus wanted this parable to teach them that the only holy figure in this story is the father who represents an all-loving and all-merciful divine figure. Jesus didn’t intend for his parable to have relevance in the 21st century, although it does. There is a new younger son and older son today, big business and politicians. Although Jesus did not, the third character would always be the same, God the
The word parable draws its origin from the Greek word “parabole” which loosely translates to mean “to cast” (bole) some things, related or otherwise “alongside” (para) each other to infer the intended deeper meaning to the target audience. (Unlocking The Prophecy Code). Therefore, it makes sense for a parable to be a comparison of two or more related things that are put together on a parallel that enables proper distinction between them to enhance clarity in teachings such that their hidden meanings get revealed. The book of Matthew presents a variety of parables, with each parable addressing a particular thematic concern enshrined in the religious teachings. Consequently, it is right to postulate that Jesus used parables primarily as teaching aids by incorporating analogies and comparisons of things earthly and those belonging to the heavenly realm. The parable about the shepherd and the parable about the servant, both in chapter 18, show different natures of humankind. While the parable about the shepherd portrays unconditional forgiveness, the parable about the servant portrays justice based forgiveness.
The Bible shows God constantly pursuing His people and man rejecting him over and over again. This passage displays this ongoing struggle by showing all Jesus did for us and how the people still shunned and rejected him. However, this passage also gives reassurance that it is never too late to repent and accept the Lord. This passage displays some important themes of the Bible: man’s redemption, God’s forgiveness and grace, and the blessing of a relationship with God. This passage is essentially the message of the Bible in one small
The Parables consist of tales that Jesus is said to have been a crowd of people following him and they explained Goods word and moral by using ordinary events. Following each Parable is an interpretation of it –made to state what the parable actually wants to explain to us.
When a person hears the word “parable” they often automatically think of stories told by Jesus. Although Jesus did tell a lot of parables, he was not the only biblical figure to use parables. One example of an Old Testament figure telling a parable is the prophet Nathan’s parable to King David about the rich man seizing and killing the poor man’s sheep. 2 Samuel 12: 1-14. David gets very angry at the rich man and orders him killed before realizing the rich man is himself. The reasons Nathan used a parable are the same reasons Jesus used parables: discretion, to avoid defensiveness, and to stimulate deeper reflection. Parables are discreet because no one can get mad at the parable teller because even if he is talking about you, he doesn’t actually say your name, so you can remain anonymous. Parables avoid defensiveness because if you don’t think the parable is talking about you, you are more willing to listen and understand the wrongdoings in the parable, even if they are your own wrongdoings. Finally, they stimulate deeper reflection because they are stories, and while later remembering and thinking more about the enjoyable story, you can get more meaning from it. By using parables, Jesus helps us, his readers, understand his messages better.
Be Merciful (Luke 6:31). "Be merciful just as your father is merciful." (Matthew 5:7): "Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them." The passage s teaches us mainly about being merciful to our enemy and God will be merciful toward us. Forgiveness of kind especially toward our enemy. We should not harm others even if they done bad things against us. We should show compassion towards others because if we don't people might not show compassion towards us. The passage told us that Jesus is merciful even towards his enemies. Perfect example of this is forgiving Jusus' enemy when he was put on the cross. Jesus even prayed for them to not punish them.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”(Hebrews 11:1)
As we read through the New Testament, we come upon many instances where Jesus uses parables to teach in ways that were very unique to the day. Until this point, many had never experienced this type of teaching and it proved to be an effective method of imparting knowledge to his listeners. A parable is a story that illustrates a moral or religious lesson. During Jesus’s ministry He told many parables such as The Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Good Samaritan, The Rich Fool, Parable of the Mustard Seed, and Parable of the Lost Sheep just to name a few.
What are parables of Jesus Christ? The word parable in general may mean the placing of two or more artifacts together to make a comparison or explain an ideology. This same concept could be related to the parables of Jesus Christ the son of God. Some people may choose to define these in various meanings depending on their own understanding. However, in my opinion, a parable is basically an analogy consisting of human circumstances that is accompanied with a spiritual or biblical lesson. Altogether, there are thirty-two parables; which could be found in the books of Mathew, Mark and Luke. Out of all these parables, eighteen of them are found in Luke and ten in Mathew. The eighteen parables found in Luke include, the Lost Coin, the Lost Son, the Unrighteous Steward, the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Unprofitable Servants, the Unrighteous Judge, the Pharisee and Publican, the Pounds, the Two Debtors, the Good Samaritan, the Friend at Midnight, the Rich Fool, the Watchful Servants, the Barren Fig Tree, the Chief Seats, the Great Supper, the Rash Builder, and the Rash King. The ten in Mathew include, the Laborers in the Vineyard, the Two Sons, the Marriage of the King's Son, the Ten Virgins, the Talents, the Tares, the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl of Great Price, the Draw Net, and the Unmerciful Servant. Again, the parables of Jesus Christ could be compared to a class of students with a teacher in the front. Basically Jesus Christ was the teacher and the whole world would be considered as the students. Out of all the parables of Jesus Christ, the main ones I will be talking about will be the parable of the good samaritan, and the parable of the sower.
The Messiah left the people hopeful by explaining how easy it is to enter the kingdom of Heaven. According to Matthew 5:3-12, the people with righteous hearts will definitely inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus inspires everyone to be humble, merciful, peaceful, and kind to one another, and he also mentions the importance of forgiveness and love several times, portraying his loving nature. Christ warns the nations to not fear persecution, because their reward in heaven will be great. Jesus mentions that Christians are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. However, salt without saltiness is worthless; hence, Christians without spiritual knowledge won’t get far in life. Christ motivates Christians to stand out by being loving, kind, compassionate; a reflection of Jesus so that unbelievers are eager to become Christians as well (New International Version, Matt.5:13-17). Additionally, he mentions the consequences of murder, adultery, and divorce. He talks about the sincerity of oaths and the importance of loving your enemies and giving to the poor. Jesus preaches about the importance of prayer because it is the way of communicating with the Lord. The Lord favors intimate and personal prayers over hypocritical prayers in public (New International Version, Matt.5.21-33,43, 6.1-5,25). Christ mentions the
The book of Matthew in the bible tells of the many lesion that were taught to Jesus disciples. These lesson where then passed on to the followers of Jesus Christ, they were taught many lessons for daily living. Jesus gives basic rules to follow one that sticks with me is “11 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 11-12, King James Version). This lesson sticks with me because knowing even if people mistreat me, or talk about me, I can keep my head held high because my father in heaven will comfort me with his love and grace. The lessons in the book of Luke (15-31, King James Version) Jesus uses stories to explain how people may stray away, but how we as Christians should either bring or welcome them back. Today’s society forgets these lessons and sees their fellow men as nuisances as back then. Therefore Jesus had to perform miracles for people to see what he said was real.
The substance of forgiveness is known to be an important thing and concept in the teaching of Jesus. In the Bible, Jesus has made it clear that unforgiveness is known to be a serious sin nurtured in the heart. As per Jesus Christ, it is said that the person needs to be forgiven even if a serious problem is caused due to him. If not, even we would not be forgiven from God. As per Jesus, if you forgive the sin done by the people, your heavenly will also forgive you if you have committed any sin. We would always want the heavenly father to forgive us for whatever wrong things or the mistakes that we do. In fact, we always think that it is the duty of God to forgive us. However, we never consider that the degree of offence we have done. We always think that he is the God and it is his prime duty to forgive us no matter what we do. But if somebody does the same thing to us, we always feel that it is not important to forgive them we think that we should not let them go just by forgiving them. Hence, the most important thing that needs to be considered here by us is that we should learn to forgive people (...
...st always pray to God with such great and deep belief that everything we ask for, He will give to us and we will receive, of course if it is reasonable. Putting every single ounce of faith and belief that we have installed in our mind, body, and soul into God is the state we should always pray in. Making your requests to God specific and making them known to Him is absolutely crucial.
When most people pray, they just say the same prayer, like the Lord’s prayer, for example. Saying the same prayer isn’t really such a bad thing, its more about the meaning and the time that you spend praying. Prayer shouldn’t just be looked at as a routine or habit, but as more of a love poem to express oneself to God. Questions such as: why do we need to pray? What is this prayer?