The Importance Of Environmental Competence In Human Resource Management

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3.2 Environmental competence
Because of the difficulties of direct specification Varga (2009) uses the key competences of the European Reference Framework (2007) for interpreting components of environmental competence. Using the mother language both in written and oral form is necessary to be able to understand and communicate information. Recognizing the problems is only the first step on the way of becoming more sustainable. Collecting appropriate background information, implementing action plans and discussing them require the adequate knowledge of the mother language and foreign languages as well. Digital competence allows data analysis and usage of modern information systems.
Factual knowledge (mathematics, natural sciences, technology) …show more content…

Knowledge, readiness, preparedness of people as workers has a significant effect on the corporate performance. Elementary and higher education system shall prepare the knowledge of students for the successful work, but most of the requirements come from the employer. Some elements of knowledge, ability and skills are to learn only in the organization.
However, the frameworks of competence management are general, these are able to consider the interest of sustainability; it is ready to integrate them into the strategic and daily operation and translate the corporate-level expectations to personal ones. Since competence management is increasingly explored target areas of human resource management, there are a wide range of management tools available. Of course, the responsibility of the management is more than buying the personal support of the people because this is not sustainable. Making deals may lead to a shame solution because it consumes the resources and efforts with losing the focus of corporate …show more content…

There are many methods and tools available for individuals and organisations for evaluating and developing their operations but several barriers should be considered. I believe that a breakthrough can be expected if the goals and values of sustainability are integrated into the organisational strategy, structure and culture. Next to environmental departments or corporate social responsibility programs it is increasingly important to focus on the processes. A key element is the proper design of operation processes that involves these requirements horizontally instead of forcing the separate specifications. Of course, this needs additional management efforts but it will pay off in a long

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