Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Symbiotic Relationship

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An organizations is comprised of multiple components that must work together harmoniously for that organization to become, and remain, productive and successful. Two of these components are the organization’s culture and leadership. The culture of an organization is defined as the set of beliefs, norms and values that shape how members of that organization interact with each with one another and those outside of the organization (Jones, 2012, p. 179). This culture is shaped by the traditions celebrated by the organization, the accepted behaviors, and both the written and unwritten values. Leadership within an organization is charged with managing and directing both the organization and its workforce towards organizational objectives. …show more content…

There are plenty of parents and family members who, through their actions or inaction, fail to ever realize the title of leader. In our family, leadership is demonstrated by the ability to garner respect from others as well as the ability to elicit the behaviors and responses that person desires. A leader not only dictates certain behaviors but also demonstrates these behaviors themself. We have several members in our family, my husband and me included, who can dictate certain behavior or responses and have others listen and abide. We live by the principles we teach and expect them from others because we expect them from …show more content…

The culture of an organization consists of those beliefs and norms that dictate members’ behaviors and interactions. Organizational leadership are those members responsible for guiding and direction their subordinates to help reach individual and organization objectives. The culture in the Herring household is combination of both the control and clan cultures. We have an established hierarchy and strict policies and procedures to dictate standards of behavior from our children but we also pride ourselves on working as a cohesive family unit. Our household culture values kindness, courtesy, integrity respect for those around us. As I am a core component of the culture we have created, I am very comfortable is this environment. I personally value the principles that compose our culture and it is this internalization and demonstration that will help to make our culture

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