The Importance of Business Culture for Success

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Business culture is unique in many ways. The attitudes in which an individual can take on to increase productivity are based on several approaches. One of the many approaches to take when attempting to understand business is to acknowledge the roles associated with it. For example, in business, personal relationships can never be a consideration when making a business decision. This also goes hand in hand with the understanding that negative results from a business decision should never be regarded as a personal attack. Obviously, displaying any emotion when business is involved is a clear sign to a potential client that there is a lack of professionalism and maturity and this may reflect on not only the owner of the company, but the employees as well. In addition to having the capability of understanding that attitude is key to any successful business venture; it is also important to have statistics and figures to support the persuading of a potential client to invest in the product. Although many have researched the tactics necessary to follow in order to be successful in business, unfortunately, there is a lack of productivity in the business culture. However, there are some businesses (such as; Google, Apple and IBM) that have proven to be a success story that other organizations have attempted to mimic but with very little triumph. Trends and behaviors will show the effects of growth and whether productivity has been achieved in businesses today.

It is common knowledge that in order for an organization to thrive, there must be labor productivity. In conjunction, for the efficiency in companies to be on a high level,

it requires capable workers. Conversely, if the workers are unhappy or their needs are not being met by th...

... middle of paper ... structure.

Organizationally, Google maintains a casual and democratic atmosphere, resulting in its distinction as a “Flat” company. The company does not boast a large middle management, and upper management is so hands on, it’s hard to qualify them in a separate category. Teams are made up of members with equal authority and a certain level of autonomy is maintained. "We're a highly collaborative culture," said Karen Godwin, the office's online sales and operations manager and a former Kodak executive. "There's no top-down hierarchy." (Yung)

Google is, and will likely remain to be, one of the most dynamic and competitive firms in the world today. It’s willingness to learn from its experiments and learn from its mistakes compliment perfectly its internal collaborative structure. Google has created a corporate culture that works, and productivity is the result.

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