Analyzing Rising Crime Rates Globally: A Detailed Study

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Recently, the rate of crimes has gradually increased in the society throughout the world. By referring to appendix Figure 1, the crime report has shown the crime rate increase from 2012 to 2014 in Victoria (Cowlishaw 2014). Murder, robbery, rape, illegal uses of drug and insider trading are examples of crimes.
Crime is enigmatic, so it is hard to be measured in the society. In addition, definition of crime varies across the countries and there is no universal law exists in the world. This influenced the progression of crime measurement directly. Therefore, the idea of crime should be operationalized first before taking the measurement of incidence of crime (Dobovsek 1996). A crime should involve in legal approach, social process approach, …show more content…

Incidence of crime is defined as the number of crimes that have happened in a particular area (Rogerson 2004, p. 2). Clarity and accuracy are the essential elements in the measurement. The exact time, place, types of crime, how a crime has happened and the people committed the crime should be defined in order to obtain a reliable and valid data. This process is not only can assist the police officers in crimes investigations. However, it also can reduce the crime effectively in a particular area.
The crime incidence can be measured after reach a consensus of the concept of crimes. There are several methods can be used for data collection and analysis such as statistical records, victim surveys and self-report survey. Different methods lead to different level of reliability and validity of data. In this essay, comparison of each method of data collection and their ability to deliver an accurate picture of crime to society will be …show more content…

The police will record once they satisfied that the case as a crime. Many categories of criminal cases can be recorded (Department of Sociology 2011). People claimed that this method provides a more accurate picture of crime to the society compare to other methods since the statistics are collected directly from the police reports. Furthermore, the result expressed in numerical terms so is considered more objective.
There are arguments appear that some people oppose that the statistical methods used for incidence of crime measurement. The police recorded crimes are not a valid measurement since many crimes are not observed by police on time. Hence, it is considered ineffective. Most of the crimes are being manipulated, recorded incorrectly or sometimes not even reported to the police. Thus, the number of crimes that happened is greatly

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