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Causes of crime and violence in society
Social impact of violence in teenangers
Causes of crime and violence in society
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The violence takes place when the criminal uses the intentional power of threat or physical violence against any individual victim, community and minority group. The violent act considered as manslaughters, murder, physical assault, sexual assault, kidnapping, and robbery or burglary. In this research essay, I will analysis the causes and its methods to reduce the violent crime through different theoretical perspective. The violent crime refers on the basis of gender, age, community and neighborhood.
According to Males and Brown article, the primary cause for the youth to get involved in crime is poverty and lack of success. The statistics from California Criminal Justice and Census Poverty for 2010 refers that the lift in economic deprivation and the lack of success or jobs indulge the youth or teenagers more into the life of violent offenses. The news and article exacerbate the rate violent crime and over-represented the young age in violent crime. The peak age for crime means that the young people involved more in crime than older people. The Brown article suggests that the age-crime relationship means that the violent crime rise in young age and then decline with the age. The child who gets involved in crime at an early age becomes the chronic offenders. The teens who have less relationship with their parents, labelled as antisocial by parents, teachers, neighbors and society get more involved in crime.
Moreover, the juvenile gets more involved in crime which increase the arrest rate and then the Criminal Justice System also increase the penalty for teenagers. The “prohibitions on teenagers for purchasing or possessing weapons, the liquidation of the adolescent death punishment, and the age-targeted rules result in the hypot...
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... 44(2), 279-303.
Collins, R. E. (2010). The effect of gender on violent and nonviolent recidivism: A meta-analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38 (4), 675-684.
Males, M. A., & Brown, E. A. (2013). Teenagers' High Arrest Rates: Features of Young Age or Youth Poverty? Journal of Adolescent Research, 29(1), 3-24.
Siegel, L. J., & McCormick, C. R. (1999). Violent Crime. Criminology in Canada: theories, patterns, and typologies (p. 278-287). Toronto: Nelson Canada.
Strom, K. J., Warner, T. D., Tichavsky, L., & Zahn, M. A. (2014). Policing juveniles: Domestic violence arrest policies, gender, and police response to child-parent violence. Crime and Delinquency, 60(3), 427-450
Stewart, L. A., Gabora, N., Kropp, P. R., & Lee, Z. (2014). Effectiveness of risk-needs-responsivity-based family violence programs with male offenders. Journal of Family Violence, 29(2), 151-164.
Savage, J. (2011). Gendered pathways from strain to delinquency. Criminology and Justice Policy Dissertation……(Savage, 2011)
Jenson, Jeffrey and Howard, Matthew. "Youth Crime, Public Policy, and Practice in the Juvenile Justice System: Recent Trends and Needed Reforms." Social Work 43 (1998): 324-32
UCR takes note of all crimes in the Criminal Code annually recorded by the ‘dark figure’ of policing, whereas GSS on Victimization only sources eight types of offences self-reported via phone interviews quinquennial for the past year. The loose ends of both surveys tie together to provide an accurate overall trend of crime rates in Canada. UCR and GSS on Victimization are equally important to the study of crime. They are able to compare crime rates by geographical regions, crime severity, and characteristics of victimization. Criminologists require this information obtained from the surveys to study the causes, effects, and social impact of crime and victimization, in order to determine how to predict, deter, and prohibit criminal activity. They provide a more robust measure of the extent and impact of criminal activity in Canadian society. Together they provide an accurate measurement of crime through police reports and self-reporting of broad social surveys, rather than alone since both are lacking in their own ways. As a difference in timing is a key characteristic in the differences in the polls. UCR is annually conducted, whereas GSS on Victimization is processed every five years for the forgoing 12
Griffiths, C. T. (2007). Canadian Criminal Justice: A Primer (3rd Edition ed.). Toronto: Thomson Nelson.
It has been found that violent behavior that is equally displayed amongst men and women (Wray, Hoyt, & Gerstle, 2013). According to research, the reasons that men and women become perpetrators are similar (Wray et al., 2013). It has been stated that if a counselor wants to reduce recidivism, one should focus on dyadic intervention (Wray et al., 2013). The psychoeducational group can help members to learn signs of aggression that they display to and what things can be done to correct the
The overwhelming majority of juveniles are involved in impulsive or risky, even delinquent behaviors during their teenage years. However, the majority go on to become very productive citizens who do not commit crimes. In order for this to continue the government established the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) which gives young offenders a chance to better themselves, and. By doing so, the YCJA helps teach youth that their actions are unacceptable and the punishments imposed are lesser then an adult. Through the analysis of their unacceptable actions, lesser punishments and a better future, it is clear that YCJA is highly effective at giving youth a better chance in society.
In the United States, domestic violence calls are one of the most common issues that police officers and other law enforcement personnel deal with. However, this approach places all involved in a reactionary mode rather than a preventive or proactive mode when dealing with domestic abuse. In order to both reduce the number of domestic violence occurrences and the resulting need for police intervention as well as protecting the abused; stronger prevention and early intervention programs should be implemented. Prevention programs aimed at our youth as well as correct identification of abusers to determine the appropriate intervention programs would help reduce domestic violence incidences. Although there are some existing laws and regulations for offenders, more could be done to enhance, monitor and establish better laws. If domestic violence incidents can be significantly reduced, then law enforcement resources can be freed up to focus on other critical social issues such as human trafficking and drug enforcement, which would also reduce the financial and emotional costs those issues have associated to them.
Welsh, B., & Irving, M. (2005). Crime and punishment in Canada, 1981-1999. Crime and Justice, 33, 247-294. Retrieved from http://library.mtroyal.ca:2063/stable/3488337?&Search=yes&searchText=canada&searchText=crime&list=hide&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dcrime%2Bin%2Bcanada%26acc%3Don%26wc%3Don&prevSearch=&item=18&ttl=33894&returnArticleService=showFullText
McCormick, C. (September 17,2013). Crime Matters: The Criminological Imagination and Public Criminology. Public Lecture. Brantford.
A large proportion of all crimes committed throughout the United States are committed by juveniles. In the United States there are roughly 73.8 million youths; youth being defined as being under the age of eighteen years old (CrimeSolutions). The total U.S population is roughly 317,800,000 million people making juveniles account for about twenty-three percent of the whole population (Census Bureau). Although there are not as many juveniles as there are adult’s, juveniles account for a good portion of crimes that are committed. For violent crimes about twenty percent of the crimes are committed by juveniles and twenty-five percent of property crimes (FactSheet). Although, the total amount of juvenile offenders has gone down throughout the years, there is still more that needs to be done to prevent the crimes that are being committed by juveniles. There are many different programs that are out there to help prevent juveniles from committing crimes or recommitting a crime. There have been many different studies to show the specific time period juveniles commit crimes most throughout the day, which programs help juveniles and what ones do not, and studies that show the sex and race of the most juvenile offenders that are convicted.
In this particular case, though, no harsh disciplinary action was accounted for these young offenders. Thus,creating questions whether The Juvenile Justice System Is Too Lenient on Violent Offenders as Linda J. Collier, lawyer and teacher who teaches courses on juvenile delinquency at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pennsylvania, states on the Washington Post, March 19,1998. States that due to errant juveniles age they don’t receive the appropriate consequences towards them. One of her solutions for instance is, “ Lowering the age at which juveniles can be prosecuted as adults is a step in the right direction, but the practice should be automatic and nationwide.” Collier also states how our juvenile justice system is too antiquated and should be changed due to the major increase of sixty percent of crimes committed by juveniles since
In conclusion, the development of the juvenile justice system resulted from social development and human needs. By modifying and integrating, the legal authorities have made the legal system more efficient and just for the young people, providing that necessary punishments are executed for the criminal acts while protections are given to the ordinary youth. It is believed that the stability of a society depends on a sound justice system.
Sacco, V.F and Kennedy, L.W (2011). The Criminal Event: An Introduction to Criminology in Canada. Toronto Cengage Learning.
The hypothesis for this research will be 'Have the new stricter policies on domestic violence among intimate partners led to a decrease in repeat offenders? '
“Failure to make friends at school or poor academic performance can often be the cause of juvenile delinquency. Poverty and living in a dangerous neighborhood will sometimes lead children to engage in criminal activities” (Fisher, 2015). Environmental factors take their place in many theories of criminality, including juvenile criminality. Sociological theories maintain that “lack of education, poverty-level income, poor housing, slum conditions and conflict within home and family increase crime commission” (Hess et.al, p.76). Fisher also manages to hit at the social ecology theory and anomie theory in his final sentence on the topic of environmental factors: “If your child has easy access to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or weapons, he may turn to risky behavior as a way to escape the pressure of what he feels is an unhappy life.” Delinquent behavior becomes both a normal reaction to the environment (social ecology) and a means to attain the American dream (anomie).