The Importance Of Competitive Cheerleading

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How Competitive are you?

“Psychologist have long been in disagreement as to whether competition is a learned or genetic component of human behavior”. However growing up around my family, it was as if you had to be competitive to fit in. Whether we were playing a board game, swimming, or racing to see who could get ready the quickest, my siblings and I always seemed to turn it into a game somehow. I grew into a very competitive person, beginning at the age of three I undertook my passion of competitive cheerleading, while it led me to countless memories and great friendships. I dedicated all thirteen years of my competitive cheerleading career to a team names Southern Elite All-Stars. Where my teammates and I grew together through practices, bonding and traveling to numerous competitions. Rather we were winning a competition or losing my teammates made everything so meaningful, and cheerleading became a lifestyle, while having to learn from our mistakes. …show more content…

Being the girl always being thrown in the air wasn’t always effortless, putting forth the time and energy in order to make sure I hit everything perfect was definitely a challenge. With being a team we had to help each other out through the exhausting and hard times. Our couch became a father figure, my teammates turned into my family, and the cheer moms were the shoulder to cry on regarding the stressful spans. I am fully aware that stress comes with every sport however, this is a team filled with many dramatic girls that are performing the most dangerous sport in the world. Bonding with my cheer friends somehow improved our relationship on the matt, we spent several nights by a campfire, jamming to music, and being silly. Having lifelong true friends to achieve your goals with is an unexplainable feeling that comes with this

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