Heredity vs. Environment in Human Development

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Heredity vs. Environment in Human Development

Nature- inborn traits and characteristics inherited from parents

Nurture- environmental influences, both before and after birth

ACTIVE (organism) VS PASSIVE (mechanistic)

Organismic- People are active growing organisms that set their own development in motion ACT not react to environmental influences

*cannot predict behavior by simple responses to environmental stimulus

Emphasize qualitative change, see development occurring in STAGES each s stage builds on previous stage.

Freud, Erikson, Piaget

Mechanistic- People are like machines that REACT to environmental influence, if we learn enough about human Machine we can predict what they will do

*identifies and isolates factors that make people react as they do

Focus on quantitative change, see development as continuous

Watson, learning theories

Quasi-Organismic- People change as there world changes them

Perspective Belief Stage Oriented Theories

PSYCHOANALYTIC Behavior is controlled by powerful unconscious urges

Personality influenced by society& develops through series of crises Yes/Mechanistic

Yes/Organismic Freud's Psychosexual

Erickson's Psychosocial

COGNITIVE Changes in thought occur between 0 to adolescence

Human processors of symbols



Piaget Cognitive Stage

Information processing

LEARNING Envir. Controls behavior

Learn in social context NO/Mechanistic

NO/BOTH Learning Theory

Social learning theory

HUMANISTIC People have ability to change lives & foster own develop. NO/Organismic Maslow Selfactualization


ETHOLOGICAL Human have adaptive mechanisms to survive periods stressed: predisposition for learning


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...bia-unrealistic fear of going to school

Separation Anxiety-excessive prolonged anxiety concerning separation

Social Phobia-fear of and/or avoidance of social separation

Childhood Depression Prolonged sense of friendlessness, inability to have fun, concentrate, fatigue. Heredity thought to be modest. Girls more subject then boys.

Behavior Therapy-therapeutic approach using principles of learning theory to encourage desired behavior or eliminate undesirable ones. Every time child puts toy away get reward

Emotional Regulation

Stressful events are apart of childhood but when stress becomes overwhelming, this can lead to psychological problems.

Coping With Stress

Resilient children weather adverse circumstances, function well despite challenges or threats, or bounce back from traumatic events

Good family relationships

Cognitive Functioning

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