The Importance Of Close Relationships

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In today’s society, most people, to some extent, struggle with the absence of proper communication skills. The main reason so many people do not have the proper communication skills is, because we do not actually understand how we communicate. If we were to understand our own communication in our relationships, we will be able to communicate more efficiently. If we take a look, and understand how we communicate within our close relationships, we can see how important having these relationships are to modern society when learning how to understand how we should communicate with other people. First, why is having close relationships important? To start, lets consider the close relationships one may have. Some types of close relationships could …show more content…

To understand the effect, we must first understand how these relationships develop. We must understand theories such as the attraction theory which is what draws us together. This theory often is related to romantic relationships, but is also very relevant in any close relationship one may have. Under the attraction theory, we have proximity, which is how physically close we are to other people. Proximity is really important for developing relationships. Being in close proximity with the other person, helps us be able to have more interaction with each other. “Usually, the easier it is to interact with someone, the easier it will be to develop and sustain a relationship” (Alberts, Nakayama, Martin,191). The summer before my freshman year here at USCA, I started to date my soon-to-be ex boyfriend, Chase. Chase was attending the school I graduated from as a senior. When I started school that fall, being so far apart, we rarely saw each other, and it was crippling to our relationship. By Christmas break, the relationship was basically, a done deal. This also, applies to other types of close relationships, because without discipline and lots of effort, they can easily fail. Next, attractiveness helps us to develop relationships. We may be initially drawn to romantic partners by physical features. But we are often attracted to others also by personalities and the way they carry …show more content…

So what happens when you are upset and not satisfied with something our friend or romantic partner does? It is often a difficult task to relay negative messages in a relationship, because we often fear how the other person will react. To receive the best results in the relationship, we have to address the issue. Often, in times of conflict we often say hurtful things unintentionally, and we later suffer with regret of what we have said. Personally, at times this seems to happen almost inevitably. How can we do better to avoid such terrible things that can be said, and for feeling to end up being hurt? Most of the time, it is not actually what is said, but it is often how the message is delivered that is the most hurtful and causes the most

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