The Importance Of Book Banning In Schools

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When our country was founded in 1776, it was founded on the liberty of expressing and having your voice be heard which gave us the first amendment. Part of the first amendment is freedom of speech which lets many authors express themselves through words and informing readers about real world issues that nowadays people just ignore, and information that might be essential to someone on the days come forth .By challenging, banning or censoring a authors book you're basically restraining them from using their first amendment. When censoring a book it’s censoring a part of a book that either one or more have found offensive and with banning its the whole book. Banning or challenging a book is absurd , no one has the right to decide for everyone …show more content…

Most book bannings happen in elementary's since a parent finds their child reading a book that they don't agree with and first challenge the book if successful the book is banned from the school's library which restricts other students from reading the book.Many authors have spoked up about the issue with banning, in the article Censorship Cannot Be Allowed in …show more content…

A famous piece of literature “Faranheit 451” was banned in some parts of the U.S for bulgar language and the burning of the most well knows religious book : the bible . Even the author of the book , Ray Bradbury , spoke up about literature being either banned or challenged during national banned book week , in a article he said “You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them."”(Banned Books Week) , Bradbury doent say it directly

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