The Importance Of Big Data

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At the core of Management Information Systems is the ability to process and manage a vital human asset: information. Writing, in its original clay tablet and papyrus forms, is the original management information system, affecting society as a whole, not just through business, but also through government and religion. Writing allowed information to be widely accessible and manageable, beginning a dynamic process in which information lead to technological advances which in turn lead to greater information processing and management tools. At each stage of this process, technology transformed the medium of information: taking it from clay, to ink, to print, to analog, and now to digital. It is in this digital age that information is once again experiencing a renaissance transformation. More than ever, massive amounts of information, in the form of quantitative data and relevant business intelligence, is available to businesses and business partners. This new form of information is known as “big data,” which according to Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier is not merely the ownership of large amounts of data, but also the “ability of society [including businesses] to harness information in novel ways to produce useful insights or goods and services of significant value.” A key example given by Cukier and Mayer in their book Big Data, is the case of the H1NI influenza outbreak in 2009. The U.S. Centers of Desease Control and Prevention (CDC) set out to map all outbreaks of H1N1. In practice, the CDC was able to identify outbreaks, through hospital reports, two weeks after actual events unfolded on the ground. With the help of Google and their data experts however, the CDC was able to locate outbreaks in near real-tim...

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...e point of critical mass. Information is everywhere. A big challenge to business and society is their ability to process these large amounts of information into something relevant to their business and government models. While there are clearly advantages to the use of big data, there are also potential disadvantages that can have huge negative effects on society as a whole, particularly in the way people govern and police each other. It is important that people across all spectrums of society understand and realize the ways in which big data is affecting the world around them. Thus, the potential of big data, like all great forces that come to realization through technology, lies not in the nature of what it can or cannot do, nor in its inherent advantages and disadvantages, but in society’s ability to correctly resource and utilize the power that is big data.

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