Big Data In Healthcare

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Big Data in Healthcare and How You as Healthcare Provider Could Get Benefit of Big Data
Amal Mohammed Alghamdi
Princess Nora University
Collage of Medicine Big Data in Healthcare and How You as Healthcare Provider Could Get Benefit of Big Data
"Big data is a term for data sets that traditional data processing application softwares are not able to deal with them and they are so large and complex so they are facing a lot of challenges such as, storage, analysis, search, capture, data curation, transfer, sharing, visualization, updating and information privacy and querying". Nowadays the big data is producing a lot of benefits in different fields including healthcare. The big data in healthcare was used to predict epidemics, cure …show more content…

For the patient it will mean better, faster and cheaper diagnosis and treatment, and better information about health care providers. Pēteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit ICT for Health and Wellbeing in the European Commission, says "Analysing disparate and highly dynamic data will benefit different fields like epidemiological research or early detection and prevention of diseases. By moving from a reporting approach (what has happened?) to a predictive approach (what will happen?), big data is creating a new knowledge era in the world of medical care". The big data application in healthcare provide new ways to accelerate and improve the research because there is a huge amounts of data on applicants so it will allow to the researchers to pick the best subjects such as, what happened recently in the pharmaceutical. The data sharing arrangements between the pharmaceutical giants has led to breakthroughs such as the discovery that desipramine which is a drug that commonly used as an anti-depressant, has potential uses in curing types of lung cancer. Big data analytics has helped healthcare improve by clinical risk intervention and predictive analytics, providing personalized medicine and prescriptive

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