Medicare and Medicaid Meaninful Use Stage

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Are you ready for a Meaningful Use Stage ?

According to Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), around 3500 optometrists have attested for Electronic Health Records (EHR) incentives. In the coming years the incentives will decline and penalty be put on those practitioners who fail to attest to Meaningful Use for EHRs. The biggest question in everyone’s mind is that are you ready for Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements in 2014?

Stages of Meaningful Use

To ease the adoption of EHRs, in addition to receiving incentive payments, CMS has established criteria for Meaningful Use in stages. Stage 1 is the easiest to obtain and stage 3 will be the most difficult.

The purpose of stage 1 is to capture the health data in a coded format. Stage 2 applies data to patient care and further the exchange of information between providers and other healthcare entities. The stage 3 known as exact measures are still in the opening stages will focus on Clinical Decision Support (CDS) application during point of care to improve the healthcare results and equip patients with self management tools.

Which stage the practice is following depends on when the practice was installed and was first attested to using the EHR system. Through 2013 all practices using a new or existing EHR system are in stage 1. The difference is the amount of time required to attest. In 2014 practices that have attested to using the EHR in 2011 or 2012 will be required to follow stage 2 Meaningful Use criteria. Practice that are attesting to meaningful use of EHRs in 2013 and 2014 are considered under the updated stage 1 Meaningful Use criteria and will be required to report on stage 2 in 2015. CMS recently launched an online calculator, practitioners can enter data reg...

... middle of paper ... for more than 30% of unique patients.

• More than 20% of all scans and tests ordered by practitioner resulting in an image should be incorporated into the EHR. Every optometrist would require to report this.

• Structured data should be entered into the EHR for first degree relatives for more than 20% of all the patients.

• Submitting specific information related to a case from CEHRT to specialized registry.

• Submitting cancer case information from CEHRT to a cancer registry.

With Stage 2 Meaningful Use the amount of data collected on patient’s increases as well as its use for coordinating and communicating care with the patient and other providers.

The result is that the volume of data and its management is a burden on the provider and his/her staff. Eventually, as EHR use becomes usual, patients will begin to recognize enhanced healthcare results.

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