Impact Of Health Information Technology On The Quality Of Patient Care

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Journal Title: Impact of Health Information Technology on the Quality of Patient Care Introduction Our clinical knowledge is expanding. The researcher has first proposed the concept of electronic health record (EHR) to gather and analyze every clinical outcome. By late 1990s computer-based patient record (CPR) replaced with the term EHR (Wager et al., 2009). The process of implementing EHR occurs over a number of years. An electronic record of health-related information on individual conforms interoperability standards can create, manage and consult with the authorized health professionals (Wager et al., 2009). This information technology system electronically gather and store patient data, and supply that information as needed to the healthcare professionals, as well as a caregiver can also access, edit or input new information; this system function as a decision support tools to the health professionals. Every healthcare organization is increasingly aware of the importance of adopting EHR to improve the patient satisfaction, safety, and lowering the medical costs. Studies have implied that, healthcare professionals who practice clinical features through EHR were far more likely provide better preventive care than were healthcare professionals who did not. (page 116). From 2004, EHR has initiated, even the major priority of President Obama’s agenda is EHR (Madison & Stagger, 2011). Health care administration considers EHR as the introduction of advanced technology which can improve patient satisfaction are can increase the financial incentives of the healthcare organization. Studies have pointed out that the federal policy is proposed to transform all medical records into EHR (Hebda & Calderone, 2010). As well as also EHR sy... ... middle of paper ..., the model included control variables as nurse education level, patients’ demographic background, and hospital technological background. Findings of the result also showed an inverse direction and also mentioned that EHR adoption rate goes higher as there is a low percentage of responded given discharge information. This result seems partial because there is no mention about primary health care giver and neither has used as a variable. However, the variable does not practically make sense because not only this environment factor matter to make a comparison of patient satisfaction. Furthermore, they have also demonstrated the effect of EHR adoption with adjusting for nursing care in patient satisfaction. Here they have broadly pictured how nursing care facilitates the patient satisfaction outcomes. The precision model shows a statistically significant relationship.

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