The Impact of Education in European, Asian, and Islamic Societies from 900-1300 AD

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“Education is a state-controlled manufactory of echoes.”- Norman Douglas
There is much truth to the quote stated above by Norman Douglas, especially during the 900-1300 when industrialization, agricultural innovation, international trade, and religious conquest rocked the European, Asian, and Islamic societies. The quest for unification and cultural/religious spread during this turbulent times were answered by universities that created men of an educated class. Higher education became the state and religion controlled medium to reinforce the agenda of established religious leaders and political authorities. The court Elites and local religious leaders prized education and spend considerable wealth towards establishing and growing it, for the sole purpose of advancing their own agenda. (Thesis) Higher Education institutions during the period 900-1300 reinforced established authorities religiously, politically, and economically..
The rise of higher education throughout the world, made it powerful tool to spread religious and philosophical ideas by political and religious authorities. Whether it was in Latin Christendom, Islamic nations, India, or china, religion was the undeniable force of unification and identification of a country. Since religion was held at such an esteem in society, it was only befitting that education interjected itself into religion. As religious authorities began to see the benefits of higher education on spreading religious unification, education became the weapon to spread the religious agenda of established authorities. In Latin Christendom, with the support of the king Charlemagne (768-824), Christian monasteries and the royal courts became close allies, furthering higher education in this societies. (...

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In the state of uncertainty and change during the 900-1300 religious leaders and political leaders turned to higher institutions to create unification and maintain regulations. This resulted in large institutions becoming the puppets of local authorities to spread their desired agenda. While Universities did in fact increase religious conquest, political propaganda, and economic growth in European, Asian, and Islamic societies, in the end they only managed to reform the political and religious agenda of local authorities who controlled them.

Works Cited
Smith, M. G. (2012). Crossroads and Cultures: A History of the World's Peoples (Vol. I). Boston: Bedfords/St.Martin's.
Zanden, J. L. (2014, January 4). Economic growth in a period of political fragmentation, Western Europe 900-1300. International Institute for Social History/ Utrecht University , pp. 6-12.

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