Golden Age Of Knowledge In Islam: 9th And 12th Century

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Through the 9th and 12th century there was a golden age of knowledge in the Islamic Empire that would influence the works and advancements of almost everything having to do with learning during the Renaissance. The beginning of the golden age in Islam began with the creation of a new numbering system that would surpass the inefficient and clunky system that was roman numerals. This would also give way to the creation of the decimal point which is still used to this day. Which is an example of humans developing their knowledge, and the Islamic peoples transmitting their knowledge to influence the modern world.

One of the main reasons that there was a golden age of knowledge in the Islamic empire was how vast Islam spread, when Islam was spreading many thought that god was truly on their side, also the leaders of the empire knew how well knowledge of science and politics work together.

One of the most important things about the Islamic religion is that the prophets told all of their followers to seek knowledge, which is an example of humans trying to develop knowledge, and Islamic peoples transmitting knowledge. …show more content…

This would lead into the translation movement. This is when people were sent to every corner of the known world and were tasked with finding scrolls and books. The books, would be brought back to Baghdad and translated into Arabic. Which was an example of humans trying to develop their knowledge and the Islamic peoples transmitting their knowledge from the ancient world to influence modern

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